SUSY “Blind Analysis” Plans & Settings


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Presentation transcript:

SUSY “Blind Analysis” Plans & Settings OUTLINE Reminder of the Project Tools to be Utilized Details for the Analyzers Conclusion and Prospects S. Muanza GDR-SUSY/Colliders LAL October 12th 2005

1. Reminder of the Project Proposal Both MC signal and pseudo-data samples to be produced Pseudo-data=(smeared sum of SM backgrounds) + (all Higgs and SUSY contributions from chosen point in the chosen SUSY X scenario) High statistics samples of SM background to be produced Samples are made available to analyzers Analyzers have to “blindly” determine both the chosen model AND the corresponding parameters (“double challenge”) Generation and fast simulation tools are made available to analyzers They can produce additional samples (i.e.: signal templates, larger background statistics,…) S. Muanza GDR-SUSY/Colliders LAL October 12th 2005

1. Reminder of the Project Goals Are: Disentangle different SUSY X scenarios with parameters sets leading to similar topologies Study the problem posed by the SUSY background to a given SUSY single process (bias on observables measurements due to signal contamination, impact for SUSY parameters fitters) Solve the « double challenge » Are not: To have any reliable detector/trigger simulation S. Muanza GDR-SUSY/Colliders LAL October 12th 2005

3. Tools to be Utilized Event Generation Tools Pythia v6.324 + LHAPDF v4.0 + Tauola v(Apr03) The package is ready and tested LHC Fast Simulators ATLFAST v2.20 interfaced to all of the above Ready and tested Simplifying Hypotheses Models: only RPC SUSY Production processes: restricted to those available in Pythia v6.3 Request to ATLAS Collaborators If publicly available: Updated “L3” trigger menus Updated object ID e vs rejection functions S. Muanza GDR-SUSY/Colliders LAL October 12th 2005

3. Tools to be Utilized Status / Settings PDFs: mt=175 GeV Preference for LO fits w/ LO aS evolution since Pythia has LO ME, LO aS evolution (for ME and PS) Would go for Alekhin 2002 LO since there’s a set of 15 PDFs to represent the experimental uncertainties. Also the equivalent sets for NLO and NNLO are available in case one needs to use other generators mt=175 GeV No solutions for min.bias events overlay First tests show that the PAW Ntuples (that include simulated tracks) can only have ~5k entries => will need to set a script doing individual “h2root” plus root-tuples merging SUSY Signals: will use SLHA Pseudo-data: MC truth infos will be removed either a single merged root-tuple or blind merges will be provided S. Muanza GDR-SUSY/Colliders LAL October 12th 2005

3. Details for the Analyzers Normalization: The process code and statistics will be stored in the root-tuples The corresponding s will be stored in a ascii file Trigger: Some basic “L3” flags are already in the root-tuples Other menus could be built using the fast reconstructed objects Analyses will have use only those trigger streams Statistics: SM Background sample: at least 100k/sub-process => O(6M events) Each pseudo-data sample: O(600k events BKGD + 50k SUSY) Start w/ 2 pseudo-data points S. Muanza GDR-SUSY/Colliders LAL October 12th 2005

3. Details for the Analyzers HPSS @ CCIN2P3 Production tar file: Will be provided at cchpssd0:/hpss/ Background root-tuples & ascii files: Will be put at cchpssd0:/hpss/ (w/ 1 sub-directory per process) Pseudo-data root-tuples & ascii files: Will be put at cchpssd0:/hpss/ (w/ 1 sub-directory per point) S. Muanza GDR-SUSY/Colliders LAL October 12th 2005

4. Prospects Things are getting ready Full speed production could start within a ~2 weeks A generic ROOT analysis program will be provided S. Muanza GDR-SUSY/Colliders LAL October 12th 2005