Do The Math Grade 3
Purpose Give teachers the right tools and materials to help students be successful in mathematics
Key Concepts for 3rd Grade Calculate products with factors 1 through 6 Represent combining equal groups with related addition and multiplication equations. Calculate the product when one factor is zero. Write word problems for multiplication equations Write multiplication equations for word problems. Write examples for the Commutative Property of Multiplication using factors 0 through 6. Communicate ideas with key math vocabulary
Getting to Know the Materials Teacher Bookcase * Teacher’s guide * TeacherSpace * Annotated WorkSpace * Professional resource from Math Solutions * Literature connection
Getting to Know the Materials Teacher Demonstration materials * All materials needed for lessons are in zippered mesh bag. * Specific materials needed for each lesson are listed in Teacher’s guide and keyed with T.
Getting to Know the Materials Student Pair Materials (4 sets) * all student materials necessary for instruction * specific materials needed for each lesson are listed in the teacher’s guide and keyed with S
Getting to Know the Materials Games * provide practice for new skills * all materials in zippered bag * specific materials needed for each lesson are listed in the teacher’s guide and keyed with G
Assessment and Differentiation Beginning of Module Assessment Progress Monitoring Suggestions for differentiation Continuous guidance End of Module Assessment
Module at a Glance Begin with assessment 30 step-by-step lessons Planner for each set of five lessons Teach Assess every 5th lesson Assess at the end
Third Grade Modules Addition and Subtraction Module C Multiplication and Division Module A
Third Grade Required Documents DtM Assessment & Tracking Report DtM Individual Tracking Report REMINDER: Weekly intervention grades will come from every 5th lesson