T.H.WAJEKAR HIGHSCHOOL PHUNDE URAN ,RAIGAD, STD=9th Science &Technology – II Presentation
In this chapter I will go through……… Health Disease Prevention of a disease Some infectious diseases
HEALTH - According to the definition of “WORLD HEALTH ORGANISATION ,”Health is a state of complete Physical,mental,social well being of a person and not Just absence of disease.”
HEALTH - 1.Personal Health 2.Community Health
Health – economical and Social factor :- Balanced nutrition , clean drinking water , hygienic habits , sound sleep , tension free atmosphere , exercise , etc .
DISEASE - 1. Disease means departure from health or not at ease. 2. Every communicable disease has its own pathogen and target tissue on which it acts. 3. Polio virus also enters through the mouth but affects the nervous system.
Symptoms and signs of diseases - 1. The changes in the body that makes one feel sick or unwell. For. Ex.-Headache may mean examination stress.
2. Symptoms cannot be verified or measured they are subjective to a particular patient. Ex. Aches and pain, itching, cough cold, etc.
3. The symptoms depend upon the target of the pathogens in the human body. Ex.When liver is the target there is jaundice.
1. Diseases can be broadly classified in two different ways. Types of Diseases - 1. Diseases can be broadly classified in two different ways. Types based on the time for which the diseases lasts.
1. Chronic diseases –Diseases that lasts for a long time, some times even for a life time, is called a chronic diseases. Ex- Diabetes, tuberculosis.
2. Acute diseases – Diseases that lasts for a shorter duration is an acute diseases. As it gets cured fast it does not get time to cause major damage to the general health of the person. Ex – Common cold.
3. Endemic – Diseases is found in a certain area attacking fewer people. Ex-Filariasis is endemic in the three districts of Kerala.
4. Epidemic – Diseases spreads from place to place affecting large number of people. Ex – Typhoid epidemic can spread during a pilgrimage.
5. Pandemic – Diseases spreads world wide. Ex – AIDS.
[ Types based on the cause of the disease ] - 1. Diseases caused due to infectious agent or pathogen is called communicable or infectious diseases.
2. Diseases which is caused due to internal non-infectious reason is called non communicable or non-infectious diseases.
[ Born 8 january 1942 is a british ] Stephen William Hawking- [ Born 8 january 1942 is a british ] 1. Stephen William hawking is a well known british theoretical physicist. 2. In 1985 he caught pneumonia and under – went tracheotomy which made him unable to speak.
Levels of cause of a diseases - Diseases generally have more than one cause. There is an immediate cause and other contributory causes.
Means of spread of a diseases - An infectious diseases spreads through air, Water AND FOOD OR BY VECTORS AND THROGH SEXUAL CONTACT.
PREVENTION OF INFECTIOUS DISEASES - Prevention of diseases follows three basic principle - 1. Keeping out the infectious agents i.e. maintain public and personal hygiene. 2. Availability of proper and sufficient food and water for everyone. 3. Immunization.
Some infectious Diseases- Bacterial Diseases Viral Diseases Diarrhoea
1. Tuberculosis - Some Signs and Symtoms of tuberculosis - It is caused by a bacteria called ‘mycobacterium tuberculosis’. Some Signs and Symtoms of tuberculosis - Bad cough that lasts three weeks or longer.
Prevention – Weight loss Coughing up blood or mucus Fever and chills Infacts should be given BCG vaccine. TB patients should always cover their mouth while coughing or sneezing. The patients should use a spittoon containing household germicide for spitting.
Tuberculosis -
2. Typhoid - Signs and Symptoms – It is an infectious life threatening diseases caused by bacteria [ Salmonella typhi ] Signs and Symptoms – The patient experiences loss of appetite, abdominal pain, headache, body ache, nausea, rash on the stomach and diarrhoea.
The fever is usually as high as 104 F The fever is usually as high as 104 F. The fever is high in the afternoon. Prevention – Generating awareness about clean and safe drinking water, sanitation, clean hygienic habits, eating food. Vaccination given protection for three years.
Viral disease - 1. Hepatitis :- Hepatitis is an inflammation of the liver that can be caused by a group of viruses. There are five main hepatitis viruses referred to as Type A, B, C, D, and E.
Sign and Symptoms :- The symptoms of hepatitis jaundice [ yellowing of the skin and eyes ], dark yellow urine, extreme fatigue , nausea, vomitting and abdominal pain , loss of appetite and White or clay – COLOureD Stools .
Prevention - 1. Hepatitis A and B :- Through vaccination. No Vaccine is available for hepatitis C and hepatitis e. since hepatitis d occurs only in persons with active hepatitis b, the vaccine of hepatitis b prevents hepatitis d. 2.One must follow good hygiene practices and wash hands thoroughly after using the toilet and before eating.
Before transfusion, blood should be screened for the absences of hepatitis B and Hepatitis C virus.
2. Rabies :- 1. Rabies is a preventable viral disease of mammals most often transmitted through the bite of a rabid animal. 2. Rabies virus infects wild as well as domestic animals {especially dogs}. It affects the center nervous system.
Signs and Symptoms :- headache, fever, depression, loss of appetite, sometimes itching or pain at the site of bite. Two to ten days later the sings of damage to the nervous system appear.
Prevention :- Vaccination :- Unlike other immunizations, the rabies vaccine is administered after exposure to virus. Most valuable preventive measure is thorough cleaning of the site of wound with soap and water. Vaccination of the pets.
3. Poliomyelitis :- Symptoms :- The disease that has paralysed their limbs permanently is Poliomyelitis [Polio ]. Symptoms :- Fever, fatigue, headache, vomitting, stiffness in the neck, pain in the limbs and permanent paralysis of the limbs [ usually legs ] .
This campaign also works by generating awareness about the disease. Prevention :- There is no cure for polio, it can only be prevented. Oral polio vaccine given multiple times can protect a child fir life. Pulse Polio Immunization Campaign :- This campaign also works by generating awareness about the disease.
Pulse polio uses oral vaccine because it is : Pulse polio is an immunization campaign established by the Government of India in 1994 to eradicate polio in india, All children under the age of five are vaccinated annually against polio virus. Pulse polio uses oral vaccine because it is : Easy To administer Inexpensive Reaches intestine directly and prevents multiplication of disease – causing virus
4. Aids :- AIDS was first recognised in USA. The pandemic of AIDS is spreading at an alarming rate. AIDS stands for Acquired immuno deficiency syndrome. 1. Acquired means you can get the infection from some one who already has it.
2. Immune Deficiency means a weakness in the body’s system that fights disease. 3. Syndrome mean a group of health problems that make a disease. Spread of AIDS :- Unprotected sex with an infected person. Direct contact with infected blood. Blood transfusion. An AIDS infected mother can transfer the disease to the baby. Sharing of needles, which is common in drug abusers .
Signs and Symptoms :- Due to weakened immune system “opportunistic infection” may occur . Ex- t.b. and herpes. symptoms may vary from person to person, blood tests such as elisa are performed to diagnose the disease. a Weakened immune system conditions like lymphoma of brain thinking and cancer of tissues called kaposi’s.
Prevention :- Avoid sexual contact with infected person. Use disposable syringes and needles. Avoid common razors in the barber’s shop, sharing of tooth brushes, etc. Before receiving blood transfusion one should ensure that it has been screened for HIV. People are to be educated about transmission of AIDS.
Diarrhoea :- Signs and Symptoms :- Lack of personal and domestic hygiene is most common cause of diarrhoea . Signs and Symptoms :- Frequent loose motions accompanied by abdominal pain and cramps, bloating, vomitting, watery stools and dehydration.
Prevention :- Eatables should be covered to prevent contamination. Fruits and vegetables should be property washed before consumption. Hands should be washed before eating and after visiting a toilet. Water should be boiled and kept covered in a clean vessel.