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Digital Information Technology 10/25/16 Essential Questions: What are the skills needed for effectively navigating the Internet? Open eMarion, open the Internet tab, open the next section called “Internet Protocols, Browsers, Configurations, Search Engines, & Plug Ins.” In this section, read Lesson 8 – How do you customize your web browser?” As you read, find out how someone would customize the web browser. In your written paragraph of 5 – 7 sentences, provide an explanation of how one would do this. Be sure to get your written response because you will need this activity for another assignment! I will demonstrate my knowledge of the correct technique. I will improve my knowledge of the keys. I will demonstrate browser configuration. I will demonstrate proficiency using basic Internet features. I will describe information technology terminology. I will demonstrate proficiency using search engines and search tools. I will use various web tools.
Digital Information Technology 10/25/16 Standards: 4.01 – Develop keyboarding skills to enter and manipulate text and data. 13.01 – Demonstrate how to connect to the Internet and use appropriate Internet protocol. Identify and describe web terminology, addresses and how browsers work. 13.02 – Demonstrate proficiency using basic features of GUI browsers, including: Bookmarks, basic configurations, e-mail configurations, and address books. Describe appropriate browser security configurations. 13.03 – Describe information technology terminology, including Internet, intranet, ethics, copyright laws, and regulatory control. 13.04 – Demonstrate proficiency using search engines and search tools. 13.05 – Use various web tools, including: downloading files, transfer of files, telnet, PDF, plug0ins, and data compression. Identify Boolean search strategies. 13.06 – Understand and apply level one Universal Resource Locator (URL) and associated protocols. (e.g., com, org, edu, gov, net, mil) 17.0 – Demonstrate comprehension and communication skills
Digital Information Technology 10/25/16 eMarion Internet Tab: Search Engines & Strategies (read article; respond to prompt in a Word document paragraph format of 5 – 7 sentences or more; save; upload through eMarion) Due 10/26 URL’s, Search Engines, and Boolean Operators Activity Open and save to your H drive; key your responses Send to me through eMarion Due 10/27 or 10/28 MicroType 5 Assignments NUMERIC Lessons 1-8 due date November 3rd or 4th Exit Activity: What are the differences in web browsers?