YOUTH PROGRAM of FPSU Media-centre of FPSU 2015
What we have? What we need? ● youth drain from unions, lack of membership growth; ● lack of awareness about unions’ activities and possibilities of labour rights protection among youth; ● lack of communication channels with youth; ● low image of trade union organizations, lack of proper advertising; ● lack of union membership motivation among youth; ● wrong understanding of trade unionism among youth. Find target group (youth) at the place it is used to be and not to wait for it to come first; Develop programs and marketing events to engage youth in unionism; Develop a widespread informative network in Internet in order to provide correct information about unions; create projects that will stick youth together and promote unionsim; change images of trade union organizations from “old-fashioned “Soviet swamp” to “new, modern, effective organizations youth need” paradigme.
SETTING UP OF NEW COMMUNICATION CHANNELS CREATION OF PRIMARY STUDENT TRADE UNION ORGANIZATIONS’ WEBSITE NETWORK Modern youth rarely watches TV so far as reads traditional newspapers (moreover, trade union ones) and uses radio for entertainment only. What should we do in this situation to make youth informed about union activities? Use Internet! Propositions: ► create a website network for primary organizations; concentrate on websites of institutions of higher education and schools; ► perform meetings and consultations with all the unions interested; ► collect propositions and arrange a plan of development and implementation of union web-portals; ► cooperate with the developer of the new FPSU official website on a long-term basis.
INTEGRATION OF THE UNION WEBSITES’ NETWORK WITH THOSE OF INSTITUTIONS OF HIGHER EDUCATION AND SCHOOLS Powerful unified system if informational provision must be understood as the broad network of the FPSU websites integrated with websites of institutions of higher education and schools that will allow to inform youth about trade union activity and events organized by the FPSU. PROPOSITIONS: ► send an official message on realization of this project to all the affiliate organizations; ► organize meetings and consultations with top officials of all the institutions of higher education and schools, targeted to the project; ► perform meetings and consultations with all the unions interested; ► collect propositions and arrange a plan of integration of union websites with those of institutions of higher education;
3. CREATION OF YOUTHWEEK – SOCIAL NETWORK FOR YOUTH Integration of youth in unionism is possible only on the basis of a stable platform for communication for future workers and trade unionists designed specially for youth. The social network must be primarily aimed to the benefit of youth covering following issues: - Search of employment and housing, vacatio planning, education, career development, protection of labour rights, information on youth crediting etc; Photos and videos exchange; Blogging; Participating in youth actions and international programs; Travelling abroad possibilities; Friending possibilities; Quick and user-friendly interface for all (PDA-version); One platform for colleagues with common interests (groups or communities); Other information for youth. PROPOSITIONS: ► develop and finance the networc jointly by the FPSU and international organizations; ► inform international trade union organizations on realization of the project; ► plan of integration to international unions’ web portals.
4. BROWSER Browser will be available for all. Realization of this point will allow to unify all the trade union resources in a joint information network. REALIZATION: ► use the experience of famous IT brands like Google, Yandex, Yahoo etc; ► perform consultations with international trade union organizations concerning financing of this project.
5. ONLINE ENCYCLOPEDIA OF UNIONISM Online encyclopedia of unionism will allow to systematize information, history and experience of all the trade unions of the world. REALIZATION: ► use the experience of Wikipedia project (; ► encyclopedia will be fulfilled by the unions themselves on several languages; ► Perform consultations with unions and international organizations concerning joint investments in the project; ► integrate it with upper mentioned browser, social network and other union web-resources;
MARKETING ACTIVITIES YOUTH TARIFF If you’re a union member – speak 3, 5, … 20 copecs cheaper with your union-mates! Negotiations performed with leading cell operators of Ukraine show their interest in realization of youth projects. PROPOSITIONS: ► develop in cooperation with cell operators a program of market presentation of a new tariff, special participation program and raising youth union awareness through this; ► inform all the affiliate organizations about it; ► perform negotiations with international institutions and companies in order to expand this action on popular communication programmes (skype, etc).
Unionists get a complete recreation for students’ tariffs. 2. REST FOR YOUTH Unionists get a complete recreation for students’ tariffs. Promotion of Ukrprofozdorovnytsya resorts among youth: certificate lotteries; organization of international tours; organization of sightseeing tours; exchange programs; discounts and bonuses. PROPOSITIONS: ► Ukrprofozdorovnytsya staff should develop marketing actions in order to attract yoputh to unions; ► inform affiliate organizations about actions; ► use the FPSU web network, youth social network and all other channels for promotion.
TRADE UNION IMAGE What we need for youth! What we have for youth:
1. FPSU PUBLIC RELATIONS’ DEPT 1. FPSU PUBLIC RELATIONS’ DEPT. Organization of the FPSU’s events, highlighting existing web-resources and those to be created and marketing actions of the FPSU require professional information campaign. Moreover, this need grows urgent with the activation of “black PR” stream from the part of so-called “alternative unions” and raiders. That is why the FPSU needs Public Relations Department. General forming of the positive image of the FPSU and promotion of different projects of the Federation is to become its main task. PROPOSITIONS: ► creation of the dept., definition of main task, structure, staff, technical equipment and proper financing.
PROGRAM OF DEVELOPMENT OF YOUTH CAPACITIES Youth have to feel care and support from the part of unions in all the best their initiatives, meaning: Sports; Hi-tech development; Protection of young journalists, artists, writers; Occupation change, gaining new skills, etc. PROPOSITIONS: ► depatrments of the FPSU and its affiliate organizations should show initiatives unified in a joint policy of the FPSU; ► popularization of the FPSU’s actions through the FPSU network, social network for youth and other channels; ► cooperation with investors interested.