Differentiated Instruction Fall Cohort 2009 Cypress Springs High School
Welcome… Objectives Syllabus How the course works Wikispace training What is Differentiated Instruction?
Wikispace training… How to get to the Wikispace What’s on the Wikispace Discussion boards
Things to think about: How many different types of students do we have in our classrooms? How many of our students are truly learning the content we teach? What would that learning look like? What are the obstacles to the learning? Of those obstacles, what do we have control over? Wouldn’t it be great if our students worked harder than we did? Isn’t it time for a change?
What’s the change, the cure? Is it… more technology? understanding learning styles? laptop computers? more money? (well, yes, a pay raise would be nice!) positive sounding classroom rules? multiple intelligences? rigor and relevance, preparing all students for college, vocabulary skills, cooperative learning, mega monitoring, better textbooks, higher expectations, questioning strategies, Marzano strategies,SFA’s, data analysis, smarter students, better parents?.......
Working with 2 books: “Never Work Harder Than Your Students” Rethinking about teaching and learning Bringing back fun in the classroom Placing the work back on the students 7 Principles to follow “How to Differentiate in Mixed Ability Classrooms” What is Differentiated Instruction How to do it Strategies to apply in your lessons
The Seven Principles 1. Start where your students are. 2. Know where your students are going. 3. Expect to get them there. 4. Support them along the way. 5. Use feedback to help you both get better. 6. Focus on Quality vs. Quantity. 7. Never work harder than your students.
How to use the book: Chapters 1- 7 outline each of the principles. You’ll see in each chapter Real classroom stories Introduction of a principle How to practice the principle “Yes, but…” sections—these are the real world questions and concerns in the classroom Getting started—how to put the principle into practice in the classroom
What we call differentiation is not a recipe for teaching What we call differentiation is not a recipe for teaching. It is not an instructional strategy. It is not what a teacher does when he or she has time. It is a way of thinking about teaching and learning. It is a philosophy. Carol Ann Tomlinson
“It means teachers proactively plan varied approaches to what students need to learn, how they will learn it, and/or how they will show what they have learned in order to increase the likelihood that each student will learn as much as he or she can, as efficiently as possible.”
Multiple intelligences…Jigsaw…4MAT…Graphic Organizers…RAFTS Differentiation Is a teacher’s response to learner’s needs Guided by general principles of differentiation Proactive Planning Flexible grouping Continual assessment Teachers Can Differentiate Through: Environment Content Process Product According to Students’ Readiness Interest Learning Profile Through a range of strategies such as: Multiple intelligences…Jigsaw…4MAT…Graphic Organizers…RAFTS Compacting…Tiered assignments…Leveled texts…Complex Instruction… Learning Centers
Good Differentiated Instruction Is Not: The same thing as individualization Just another way of saying do group work! Expecting less of struggling learner Chaotic New Good Differentiated Instruction Is: Varied avenues to content, process and product Respectful of all learners Proactive Student centered---The students do the work! A blend of whole class, small group, and individual instruction
Group work with cartoons: Red Groups Blue Groups White Groups
Exit Card What connection did you make today that made you say, “ I get it”! Write a question you’d like to ask or something you’d like to know more about. Bring your favorite unit and the TEKS next week. http://ritter.tea.state.tx.us/teks/ Remember---we meet again on September 22!