9. “Ruthlessness & Righteousness” 1 Samuel 27 p. 275
Encouragement . . . Encouragement: Discouragement: A Bible people; A Gospel people MMF & Vision Min – key in Sojourn partnership Discouragement: One pastor lost a son to cancer in May Another has a son struggling with depression One church going through dissent & disunity – not there.
Encouragement . . . David: Compared his faithfulness to Saul’s evilness. The Lord protected and provided for him – just in time. David grew weary From 1 Sam 26:12 – 28:17 the Lord is not mentioned once.
It is hard to remain faithful for the long-haul! 1. Fear David’s faith wavered (v 1) His life was not easy, but his faith was strong. David loses focus and decides: “I will perish by Saul” It is hard to remain faithful for the long-haul! God seldom works according to our timetable.
God has His own purpose in making us wait: 1. Fear . . . God has His own purpose in making us wait: He gives guidelines – to keep our Strength & Hope up SABBATH / REST We need adequate rest. Not as Law but as gift.
When I am tempted to discouragement – I remember 1. Fear . . . REMEMBER What God has DONE (Deut 7:18, 8:18) What God has SAID (Rev 3:3) When I am tempted to discouragement – I remember David was weary and he forgot.
In a moment of weakness David went to his enemy for security. 2. Deceit & Ruthlessness David went to Achish, King of Gath (A Philistine) In a feudal system of Lords and Vassals. He had to declare fealty (loyalty) to the king. He fought for Achish on a number of occasions. In a moment of weakness David went to his enemy for security. He ruthlessly raided and killed surrounding people (v 8,9) He lied to Achish (v 10).
A temptation we all face: 2. Deceit & Ruthlessness. . . There is no reference to God in the whole episode. The story simply records what happened. David was acting in his own strength and wisdom A temptation we all face: Take it upon myself to act without reference to God. Not discerning God’s will or faithfully pursuing it.
But God uses David mightily anyway Living it Bible heroes are not as heroic as we would like. Often flawed in serious ways. But God uses David mightily anyway We face the same temptation: Will I be faithful even when it is uncomfortable? Will I pursue His will no matter the cost? Will I submit to Him against my own desires and hopes?