And Cobalt as a critical material for tomorrow’s energy storage And Cobalt as a critical material for tomorrow’s energy storage? Ton Bastein
Vulnerability issues for li-ion batteries Energy storage and batteries: materials to focus on: lithium and cobalt Critical materials view Production concentration Materials as by-products Current and forecasted production and use What about the supply chain? 2 Raw Materials Conference 2017 June 23rd, 2017
Materials for power storage Cathode Li Co Ni LFP 120 - NMC 180 293 289 NCA 124 659 LMO 2 | Raw Materials Conference 2017 June 23rd, 2017
2 | Raw Materials Conference 2017 June 23rd, 2017
Where does lithium come from? 350 ton from EU-28 lithium production capacity: 49,400 tons in 2015; capacity utilization was estimated to be 64% in 2015 and 71% in 2016 2 | Raw Materials Conference 2017 June 23rd, 2017
Where does cobalt come from? Cobalt ore refined cobalt 2 | Raw Materials Conference 2017 June 23rd, 2017
Geopolitical risks: cobalt Cobalt is mined (>50%) in Congo Not an extreme monopoly Congo has a questionable reputation Low HDI 2 | Raw Materials Conference 2017 June 23rd, 2017
Criticality assessments for Li and co Security of supply critical if: Monopoly Trade restrictions Mediocre governance Absence of recycling 2 | Raw Materials Conference 2017 June 23rd, 2017
Where is lithium used for? 2 | Raw Materials Conference 2017 June 23rd, 2017
Lithium production and application over the years 2 | Raw Materials Conference 2017 June 23rd, 2017
Prediction of lithium demand until 2035 (only based on li-ion batteries for ev) Fraunhofer/DERA, July 2016 2 | Raw Materials Conference 2017 June 23rd, 2017
Cobalt production and application over the years 2 | Raw Materials Conference 2017 June 23rd, 2017
Prediction of cobalt demand until 2035 (only based on batteries for ev) Fraunhofer/DERA, July 2016 2 | Raw Materials Conference 2017 June 23rd, 2017
Cobalt: Depending on host metals Cobalt is a ‘companion’metal: 50% is mined as a by-product from Ni 35% is mined as a by-product from Cu Between 2000 and 2012 the production of Co grew 2x as fast as then production of hosts. 2 | Raw Materials Conference 2017 June 23rd, 2017
A vulnerable value chain in europe? 2 | Raw Materials Conference 2017 June 23rd, 2017
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