Recontres de Moriond, March 17 2005 High PT Physics at RHIC Xin-Nian Wang Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
QCD phase transition (approx.) Chiral symmetry and its spontaneous breaking: Goldstone boson and chiral condensate SU(3) gauge symmetry: Asymptotic freedom Confinement In contrast to the simplicity of the QCD Langranigan scale anomaly (break scale invariance)
Lattice QCD results F. Karsch ‘2001 The challenge of heavy-ion collisions is …
Medium Response Function Dynamic System: Photon or dilepton emission (space-like photon) J/Y suppression QCD Response: Strong quark scattering
DIS off Nuclei e- Frag. Func.
Twist Expansion
LPM interference Effect Formation time
Modified Fragmentation Guo & XNW’00 Modified splitting functions Two-parton correlation: LPM Virtual correction important, rediscovered by BDMS
HERMES data E. Wang & XNW 2000 in Au nuclei
Parton Energy Loss Quark energy loss = energy carried by radiated gluon Asymptotic form of parton energy loss BDPM Gyulassy Vitev Levai Wang & Wang Wiedemann; Zakharov
High pt spectra in pp collisions H. Zhang J. Owens E. Wang XNW 2005 To give you a test of what the high pt physics is like….
High pt spectra in Au+Au H. Zhang,E. Wang J. Owens, XNW 2005
Jet Quenching at RHIC XNW’03
Geometry of dense matter jet Azimuthal asymmetry Non-central collisions
No suppression in d+Au STAR PHENIX
pT spectra at large rapidity Gluon saturation or color glass condensate ? Catalin Ristea (BRHAMS) Edmond Iancu (Theory) Greg Rakness (STAR)
Energy Dependence of quenching D. d’Enterria, Hard Probes 2004
Effect of non-Abelian energy loss Qun Wang & XNW nucl-th/0410079 Fixed pT=6 GeV Eskola Honkanen Salgado Wiedemann DEg=DEq DEg=2DEq
Dihadron Correlation trigger Df pTtrig=4-6 GeV pT=2-4 GeV Pedestal&flow subtracted Pedestal&flow subtracted pTtrig=4-6 GeV pT=2-4 GeV
Away-side suppression Even with NLO calculation ….
Modification of the dihadron distribution Pedestal&flow subtracted z STAR preliminary Effect of longitudinal flow C. Salgado
Jet Remnants PHENIX STAR
Angular distribution of radiative gluons Radiation in vacuum q Induced Bremsstrahlung: Further interaction of the radiated gluons with the medium?
Sonic Boom Casalderrey-Solana, Shuryak and Teaney Linearize disturbance qM Trigger
Summary Large suppression of high pT spectra Strong medium modification of jet structure 30 times higher gluon density than cold nuclei
Bulk Elliptic Flow Pressure gradient anisotropy Hydro-dynamics calc. Self quenching
Summary Large suppression of high pT spectra Strong medium modification of jet structure 30 times higher gluon density than cold nuclei Strongly interacting quark-gluon plasma Beginning of jet tomography study Details of modified fragmentation Heavy quark fragmentation (R. Averbeck) Dihadron fragmentation Jet-gamma events
Di-hadron fragmentation function jet Majumder
Future of Jet quenching STAR preliminary g+jet correlation in Au+Au in run4? More accurate determination of initial Et
Modification for Heavy Quarks (1) Slow clock for formation time (2) Color factor (3) Dead cone effect DEQ<DEg, DEq Djordjevic & Gyulassy Zhang & XNW Armesto,Dainese, Salgado & Wiedemann Zhang & XNW
Charm quark Large charm quark Suppression? Hadronic scattering?
Particle or parton correlations are not trivial Parton recombination Hwa; Fries Particle or parton correlations are not trivial