It’s all in the … PREPARATION
It’s all in the PREPARATION Prepare physically Prepare psychologically Prepare spiritually Prepare mentally
Prepare our body and mind for learning Relaxation and visualisation are essential starting points to reach and maintain an optimal learning state. A relaxed body and a relaxed mind are essential pre-requisites to access higher brain functions and maximise memory input and storage.
Integrating the whole brain Cerebral Cortex Midbrain/limbic system Cerebellum Brain Stem
Integrating the whole brain Cerebral cortex Reason Insight Communication Pattern sensing and coding Distinctions and associations Frontal Lobes Control of movements Control of behaviour Pattern recognition Synthesis of information High level planning Higher emotions Mid brain/limbic system Love, connection and bonding Long-term memory Emotions Attention span Biorhythms Body temperature, blood pressure, sugar level Sexuality and hormones “Fight or flight” response Brain Stem Reflexive actions Survival orientation Automatic functions Reacts to threat Safety in ritual and rhythm Alert to sensory input
Integrating the whole brain Left Hemisphere: Words Parts to whole Language Sequencing Linear Numbers Details Planned Differentiation Analysis Technique Controls feelings “Future” orientation Right Hemisphere: Images Global picture Verbal comprehension Simultaneous Associative Shapes and colours Meaning Intuitive Similarities Synthesis Rhythm Frees feelings “Now” orientation
Activating whole-brain learning
Activating whole-brain learning 26 techniques designed to inter-connect the 3 main dimensions of the brain: To co-ordinate left and right hemispheres = to harmonise logic and the whole picture; To connect neo-cortex and limbic system = to relate thought and emotion; To balance brain stem and frontal lobes = to integrate survival and thinking. Neo-cortex Mid Brain Thinking Feeling Brain Gym® Moving Brain Stem
P A C E positive < active < clear < energetic 4 Hook-ups----------------------------------------positive 3 Cross crawl---------------------------------------active 2 Brain buttons-------------------------------------clear 1 Water---------------------------------------energetic
How to find out more … Dennison, P & G, Brain Gym: Simple Activities Hinsley, S, The Brain Gym Surfer Promoslow, S, Making the Brain-Body Connection