Academic Habits/7th Grade Ms. Buffington Wednesday, August 23, 2017 LEARNING TARGET What I will learn: How reading with a different perspective can help me gain full comprehension of the text. How I will learn it: -Teacher modeling -Practice -Discussion w/partner and whole class How I will show you that I learned it: -Completion of close reading the text “Wolves Reshape Yellowstone National Park” and verbal responses Warm-up: Read 5 minutes-Purpose: to use your interactive voice Opening /Activator: Define the word “Perspective” Answer the 2 questions on the following slides, using a different perspective. Work Session: We will continue the “What Good Readers Do” unit: Purpose for Reading -Define Farmers/Define Naturalist (see PPT slides) -Read “Wolves Reshape Yellowstone National Park” -Close Read (this will include marking the text) in the perspective of the a farmer or naturalist (teacher will assign.) Closing: Share out your finding with your partner, then whole class
Academic Habits/7th Grade Ms. Buffington Wednesday, August 23, 2017 LEARNING TARGET What I will learn: How reading with a different perspective can help me gain full comprehension of the text. How I will learn it: -Teacher modeling -Practice -Discussion w/partner and whole class How I will show you that I learned it: -Completion of close reading the text “Wolves Reshape Yellowstone National Park” and verbal responses Opening /Activator: Define the word “Perspective” Perspective-Viewpoint, standpoint, the way we see things, outlook, or point of view
Academic Habits/7th Grade Ms. Buffington Wednesday, August 23, 2017 LEARNING TARGET What I will learn: How reading with a different perspective can help me gain full comprehension of the text. How I will learn it: -Teacher modeling -Practice -Discussion w/partner and whole class How I will show you that I learned it: -Completion of close reading the text “Wolves Reshape Yellowstone National Park” and verbal responses Opening /Activator: Read the following Sentence from the perspective of a swimmer. Would the swimmer be excited? What do you think he/she would be thinking? The green moss-filled pond presented itself as we came over the hill.
Academic Habits/7th Grade Ms. Buffington Wednesday, August 23, 2017 LEARNING TARGET What I will learn: How reading with a different perspective can help me gain full comprehension of the text. How I will learn it: -Teacher modeling -Practice -Discussion w/partner and whole class How I will show you that I learned it: -Completion of close reading the text “Wolves Reshape Yellowstone National Park” and verbal responses Opening /Activator: Read the following Sentence from the perspective of a fisherman. Would the fisherman be excited? What do you think he/she would be thinking? The green moss-filled pond presented itself as we came over the hill.
Academic Habits/7th Grade Ms. Buffington Wednesday, August 23, 2017 LEARNING TARGET What I will learn: How reading with a different perspective can help me gain full comprehension of the text. How I will learn it: -Teacher modeling -Practice -Discussion w/partner and whole class How I will show you that I learned it: -Completion of close reading the text “Wolves Reshape Yellowstone National Park” and verbal responses Define the Following: Farmer: A person that raises their own food, crops and animals. Naturalist: A person that believes in conserving nature and protecting the living things on Earth, plants and animals.