Welcome parents, students, family and friends! 7th Grade Social Studies Mrs. Shiner ~This course is designed to challenge students to learn and apply the lessons of American government, civics, economics and geography. Homework Hotline: 296-3656 Voice Mail Extension: 7326 E-mail: shinerj@dvsd.org
Course Description The learning focus of the Civics and Government Units will be on how the United States government works, the United States Constitution and the role of American citizens. Citizenship Chapter 1-Foundations of American Citizenship Government Chapter 3-The Constitution Chapter 4-The Bill of Rights Chapter 5-The Legislative Branch Chapter 6-The Executive Branch Chapter 7-The Judicial Branch
Course Description The Economics Unit will focus on the basic principles of economics and the economy of the United States. The learning focus of the Geography Unit will be on physical, cultural, and political geography of the world. The five themes of geography will be implemented throughout the unit. Economics Chapter 16-Introduction to Economics Chapter 17-The American Economy Chapter 19-Business in America Chapter 20-Government’s Role in the Economy The Five Themes of Geography No textbook-Classroom notes (available on website) and worksheets
What to expect this year: Some skills that we will work on are: ORGANIZATION In notebook and folder RESPONSIBILITY and PREPAREDNESS Everyday, bring textbook, notebook, folder and pen/pencil.
We complete vocabulary for each lesson…
We take notes….. Notes can be accessed on the website or “checked out” of the classroom.
For each section….. We complete activities and worksheets to reinforce skills… We complete review questions for each section... We take open book quizzes for each section….
At the end of each chapter…. We have a chapter test Quizzes are returned to study for tests…. Tests are closed book
At the end of each chapter…. We have a notebook check
How the classroom runs…. All assignments are due at the beginning of the period. Homework assignments not handed in will receive a zero. If a student does not understand an assignment, it is expected that the student will try to complete the assignment to the best of his/her ability.
How the classroom runs…. Absent work can be picked up on the table to the front left If possible, use the bathroom at the beginning of the period to minimize missed class time. Common Social Studies Grading Policy Tests/Essays/Projects – 50% Quizzes/Classwork - 30% ATB/Homework/Participation – 20%
How to help your child be successful… Regularly use my classroom website to: Access the online book sections are read aloud and more! Access class notes check to see that your child’s notebook is organized, neat and complete. Access homework Check PowerSchool for classwork, homework, quiz and test grades.