Young and old in our society Teenagers Middle-aged Seniors
Technologies Seniors: According to statistics 68% of seniors in the Netherlands are able to surf the internet, 45% in Germany, 28% in Hungary and 18% in Spain. Middle-aged: They use computers and internet to work. In the last few years even more people at the age of 35 to 45 are registered in one or more social networks like Facebook and Netlog. Most loved and used technologies by teenagers
Work Holland is the country with the highest number of jobs as manager(61%). Followed by Germany(37,6%), Italy(0,31%), Spain(0,1%) and Hungary(0%). Germany is the best country to look for a job as a member of an office staff and to take part in stages. Second place we find the Netherlands, then Italy, Spain and Hungary. Spain has the highest relative number of unemployed people.
Young people can vote at the age of 18, in each country. In Spain a lot of young people (18-25) don’t vote, because they are not interested in politics. There is a similar situation in Hungary and Germany. In Holland they are influenced by their parents. In Italy most of the young people prefer a progressive political party. A part of middle-aged people vote in each country for conservative parties. Seniors often have got a conservative mind.
Social life Seniors: In general they spend their time relaxing at home, meeting their families or travel a lot and live a more exciting life. Middle-aged: Some of them travel at weekends or go to cinema, restaurants, exhibitions Teenagers: People from the age of 16 to 30 prefer going to discos, pubs on Friday and Saturday nights.
Family ties In Italy young people have a strong sense of family, it’s often the case that they leave home at 30 due to financial reasons. The relationship between young and old people is based on respect. Italian families try to look after their old members at home as much as possible.
Family ties In Hungary people also have a sense of family but the young ones leave the parent’s home at the age of 20-22. The relationships are very close even in the old age.
Family ties In Spain the family situation has changed during the last decades, today there are more divorces and broken homes. Respect towards the seniors and middle-aged has decreased.
Family ties In Germany the idea of family has lost importance, there are a lot of single house-holds. Most couples tend to have only one or two children. Young people don’t show much respect towards the old ones. Teenagers leave their home at quite an early age - 18-22 years old. The amount of old people staying in old people’s homes is rising.
The Netherlands
Family ties In the Netherlands the situation is similar to the German one. Conclusion The importance of the family is decreasing. Traditional values like respect have got lost in the last few years. In the Netherlands and in Germany the young people leave their homes earlier than in the other countries.
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