The Z00T “View record history” (rep_ver 15446 version 20) EPUG-UKI Conference 2010 British Library, Nov. 1-2 Yoel Kortick
What is this? The new “View record history” feature allows the staff user to see when a record was changed, by which user, and what was changed This differs from the existing “view record’s catalogers” option because “view record’s catalogers” does not show what was changed Unlike our competitors, we did not release a new revolutionized system every few years but rather took the evolutionary approach
Introduction part 1 Description: Catalog - Option for tracking updates of Bib records. Every change in one of the predefined fields - /[bib library]/tab/tab_fix - of a Bibliographic catalog record will be recorded. The system will be configured to keep track of up to 16 fields. Unlike our competitors, we did not release a new revolutionized system every few years but rather took the evolutionary approach
Introduction part 2 The following information will be recorded, per each changed field (which is a tracked field according to the predefined list), and be searchable: The changed field tag The field's original information (including all subfields) The cataloging ID of the staff that cataloged the original information (before the change) Unlike our competitors, we did not release a new revolutionized system every few years but rather took the evolutionary approach
Introduction part 3 The history information that is recorded in the tracking table (Z00T) will be viewable using in the Cataloging GUI This will be done by using a new 'Record History' window: 'Edit Actions' -> 'View Record History' menu item. Unlike our competitors, we did not release a new revolutionized system every few years but rather took the evolutionary approach
Implementation instructions part 1 Add the following lines to /[bib library]/tab/pc_tab_col.lng: PC_CAT_TRACK L Cataloger 01 020 01 C01 Cataloger PC_CAT_TRACK L Field 02 010 01 C01 Field PC_CAT_TRACK L Filed Data 03 040 01 C01 Filed Data PC_CAT_TRACK L Date 04 020 01 C01 Date PC_CAT_TRACK L Hour 05 010 01 C01 Hour Unlike our competitors, we did not release a new revolutionized system every few years but rather took the evolutionary approach
Implementation instructions part 2 Add the following lines to /[bib library]/tab/pc_tab_exp_field.lng REC-HISTORY-SORT L Date and Time DATE-TIME REC-HISTORY-SORT L Cataloger CATALOGER REC-HISTORY-SORT L Field Code FIELD Unlike our competitors, we did not release a new revolutionized system every few years but rather took the evolutionary approach
Implementation instructions part 3 Add the following lines to /[bib library]/tab/tab_fix INS2 fix_doc_track 100##,245## Column three may include additional (up to 16) fields to be tracked as well. Unlike our competitors, we did not release a new revolutionized system every few years but rather took the evolutionary approach
Implementation instructions part 4 Create new Oracle table Z00T in bib library: util/A/17/1 aleph@exltst(a20_9_tst) TST01> grep -i Z00T $aleph_root/tab/file_list.BIB TAB z00t 100K,128K,4M,128M,128K,128K 0K ts0,TS1D,TS2D,TS3D,TS1D,TS1D IND z00t_id 100K,128K,4M,4M,128K,128K 0K ts1,TS1X,TS2X,TS2X,TS1X,TS1X aleph@exltst(a20_9_tst) TST01> Unlike our competitors, we did not release a new revolutionized system every few years but rather took the evolutionary approach
The Z00T Oracle table Here is a case where the bibliographic record has been updated First the 1001 field was “Hessen, Edith van.” Then it was “Hessen, Edith Van Dyke” Finally it was “Hessen, Edith Van Dyke$$d1971-” usm01@ALEPH201> select Z00T_TEXT,Z00T_UPDATE_DATE,Z00T_CATALOGER 2 from Z00T 3 where Z00T_REC_KEY = '000000013' and Z00T_FIELD_CODE = '1001‘ 4 order by Z00T_UPDATE_DATE; $$aHessen, Edith van. 20040307 BENTZI $$aHessen, Edith Van Dyke 20090916 MASTER $$aHessen, Edith Van Dyke$$d1971- 20100823 HERRING 3 rows selected. Unlike our competitors, we did not release a new revolutionized system every few years but rather took the evolutionary approach
Viewing the history In the GUI The user does as follows: Unlike our competitors, we did not release a new revolutionized system every few years but rather took the evolutionary approach
Viewing the history And now the user can see 1001 the fields as they changed Unlike our competitors, we did not release a new revolutionized system every few years but rather took the evolutionary approach
Making a test In tab_fix we have added field 690 to column three for field 690 INS2 fix_doc_track 100##,245##,690 Unlike our competitors, we did not release a new revolutionized system every few years but rather took the evolutionary approach
Making a test part 1 User OZ logs in and changes 690 $$aBooks to 690 $$aBooks and magazines Unlike our competitors, we did not release a new revolutionized system every few years but rather took the evolutionary approach
Making a test part 2 User LILACH logs in and changes 690 $$aBooks and Magazines to 690 $$aBooks and serials Unlike our competitors, we did not release a new revolutionized system every few years but rather took the evolutionary approach
Making a test part 3 User BENTZI logs in and changes the 690 $$aBooks and serials to 690 $$aBooks and journals Unlike our competitors, we did not release a new revolutionized system every few years but rather took the evolutionary approach
Making a test part 4 User GEFEN logs in and changes the 690 $$aBooks and journals to 690 $$aBooks and journals (print and on-line) Unlike our competitors, we did not release a new revolutionized system every few years but rather took the evolutionary approach
The results Menu “view record history” now shows this Unlike our competitors, we did not release a new revolutionized system every few years but rather took the evolutionary approach
The results And here is the Z00T oracle table usm01@ALEPH201> select Z00T_TEXT,Z00T_UPDATE_DATE,Z00T_CATALOGER 2 from Z00T 3 where Z00T_REC_KEY = '000065921' and Z00T_FIELD_CODE = '690‘ 4 order by Z00T_CATALOGER; $$aBooks and journals 20100823 BENTZI $$aBooks and serials 20100823 LILACH $$aBooks and magazines 20100823 MASTER $$aBooks 20100823 MASTER $$aBooks and magazines 20100823 OZ 5 rows selected. Unlike our competitors, we did not release a new revolutionized system every few years but rather took the evolutionary approach
Yoel Kortick