Topic: S e intestinal infections: characteristics and laboratory diagnosis of diseases in the title of s x s Escherichia coli, Yersinia intestinal s E, their laboratory diagnosis. - Diseases of Escherichia coli and Yersinia children CPC-Campilobacter, helicobacter and their value in practice.
A place of carrying out of practice, equipment. - Dept. of Microbiology -to conduct practical exercises: a set of dyes used in staining bacteria -microscopes, pipettes, test tubes, spirit lamps, slides, tripods. culture of microbes grown on nutrient medium, -gun new information technology, equipment demonstrations, slides, videos. -TCB: Projector, slide, television, video.
Duration of employment - 4 hours (class periods) 180 minutes
The employment purpose - Provide general knowledge of microorganisms that cause intestinal infections - To give an idea of the classification of micro-organisms that cause intestinal infections - To give knowledge about the kinds of microorganisms that cause intestinal infections - To give an idea on the laboratory diagnosis of intestinal infections - To give a certificate of registration in the laboratory journal and techniques in patients taking material. - To provide knowledge about the choice of culture media for the growth of microorganisms that cause intestinal infections. - To give knowledge about the identification and methods of laboratory diagnosis of microorganisms that cause cholera and dizinterii. - To give an idea of the activities of prevention and treatment of intestinal infections
Task of teachers - Evaluation of crop on Endo - Distinguish between enterobacteria - The number of E. coli in the normal flora - Inspection and assessment of results iersinoza - Growth medium for bacteria, isolation of a pure culture, identification - Prevention and esherihioza iersinoza - Explain it to students
Tasks Student should know: - Classification and types of microorganisms that cause intestinal infections - Properties of microorganisms that cause intestinal infections - The types and unlike each other microorganisms that cause intestinal infections -Pathogenesis of diseases caused by microorganisms in humans - Methods of laboratory diagnosis of intestinal infections - Measures of treatment and prevention.
Tasks The student should be able to do: 1. Take the material and deliver the patient to the laboratory. 2. Based on the properties of the pathogen to make crop nutrient media, taken pathological material. 3.Give growth estimate microbial culture and isolate pure culture. 4.Give assessment of morphological and tinctorial properties of bacteria (film preparation and microscopy) 5. Conducting identification selected microbial culture based on biochemical and antigenic properties and sensitivity to phages. 6. When the diagnosis is applied serological, biological and allergic methods. 7. Determination of antibiotic susceptibility of isolated cultures.