How the brain creates mental images. By: Bryce Deiuri-Marangon and JJ Chanthamalay Do you want to add music or a video clip? Go for it.
What is it? Definition: Mental imagery, also called visualization and mental rehearsal, is defined as experience that resembles perceptual experience, but which occurs in the absence of the appropriate stimuli for the relevant perception Common examples of mental images include daydreaming and the mental visualization that occurs while reading a book or when you visualize what you are going to do like in a sport.
How does the brain do it? We do not really know how the brain creates them but there are a few Theories on how it happens. Dual-Code Theory: created by Allan Paivio in 1971 is the theory that we use two separate codes to represent information in our brains: image codes and verbal codes. Image codes are things like thinking of a picture of a dog when you are thinking of a dog a verbal code would be to think of the word "dog"
How does the brain do it? The Propositional Theory involves storing images in the form of a generic propositional code that stores the meaning of the concept not the image itself. can either be descriptive of the image or symbolic. They are then transferred back into verbal and visual code to form the mental image.
How does the brain do it? The Functional-Equivalency Theory is that mental images are "internal representations" that work in the same way as the actual perception of physical objects. In other words, the picture of an object brought to mind when the word of the object is read it’s interpreted in the same way as if the person looking at a actual object before them.
Why it’s important It’s important because it allows you to visualize how you might accomplish something or an image that may motivate you. like how Marshawn lynch says how he imagines in his head him winning the game which would motivate him.