Investigating population movements Issues of Migration Investigating population movements
Aims: To carry out research on the population movements of a country of your choice. To investigate population movements using a quantitative approach. To understand the importance of using both qualitative and quantitative techniques in your work.
What is qualitative research? The qualitative method investigates the why and how not just what, where, when. Qualitative research asks broad questions and collects word data from participants. The researcher looks for themes and describes the information in case studies.
What is Quantitative research? Quantitative methods can be used to support the qualitative research. It provides the link between quantitative observation and mathematical expression. the quantitative researcher asks a specific, narrow question and collects a sample of numerical data from participants to answer the question.
So what? It is important to use and develop both techniques to support your independent research projects in the future. Words and numerical data work together to strengthen and support your arguments. Today we are going to practice using these skills and investigate the question: What are the positive and negative impacts of migration patterns in _____ (city)? Discuss.
Issues of Migration To investigate this question first of all we need to assess what the pattern is. To show this lets find some numerical data.
Population Pyramids Birth rate high/low: Death rate high/low: Life expectancy high/low:
Birth rate high/low: Death rate high/low: Life expectancy high/low:
Birth rate high/low: Death rate high/low: Life expectancy high/low:
Birth rate high/low: Death rate high/low: Life expectancy high/low:
Birth rate high/low: Death rate high/low: Life expectancy high/low:
Using the CIA WorldFact book https://www. cia Using the CIA WorldFact book find the population pyramid for your country and any other relevant data. Read the background information for your country – if there is a reason for a dramatic population change then find population pyramids from a time before and a time after to compare.
So now you have some numerical data what about some word data? To answer our question we first need to describe what our data is telling us.
Think of some questions you need to research to find out if the patterns are positive or negative or both. Question 1: What is the age of your population (if most people are old or young they are not of working age) Question 2: What jobs does your country offer (mostly agricultural then could be the reason why people move) Question 3: Question 4: Question 5: Question 6: Question 7: Question 8: Question 9: Question 10: Now we need to go to Google Scholar will have academic articles about your country that will help you to research the benefits and negatives of its migration patterns.
You can still display your word data in a numerical way. For Example: The age structure for a country could be shown in a pie chart. Produce a pie chart to answer this question. This will help us to easily see how many people are of working age.
Writing up your research Introduction – you describe what you are going to investigate, set research question to test. Methodology – you describe how you are going to collect the data. Data presentation – show your results using tables, graphs, maps. Data interpretation – you describe your results shown in the tables, graphs, maps e.g. Evaluation / Conclusions – how successful was your investigation, how might you improve the investigation, where else could you have collected data. Bibliography – use MLA to write down your two main sources.
Now write your paper in your own words using both word data and numerical data to answer the question: What are the positive and negative impacts of migration patterns in (insert city)? Discuss.