Hacker Detection in Wireless sensor network
Abstract Intrusion detection in Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) is of practical interest in many applications such as detecting an intruder in a battlefield. The intrusion detection is defined as a mechanism for a WSN to detect the existence of inappropriate, incorrect, or anomalous moving attackers. In this paper, we consider this issue according to heterogeneous WSN models. Furthermore, we consider two sensing detection models: single-sensing detection and multiple-sensing detection... Our simulation results show the advantage of multiple sensor heterogeneous WSNs.
Data Flow Diagram Heterogeneous multiple sensor Detec1 A S1 Detec2 B S2 Detec3 C Data Flow Intruder Sending packet from source S to D
Heterogeneous single sensor Rec1 Rec 3 Detector Data Flow Rec 2 Source Filter
Existing System In single-sensing detection, At a time only one intruder detected by the detector. Our Previous work was according to homogeneous and heterogeneous single sensor in wireless sensor network.
Proposed System In Heterogeneous wireless sensor intruder detected anywhere in the network. We are detecting the intruder in multiple sensor heterogeneous wireless sensor network.
Advantages If primary detector fails another detector detect the intruder. By finding the intruders we can send our information in a secured manner.
Disadvantages Data will not routed if primary detector fails. So that there is no guarantee for our information has been sent securely.
Software & Hardware Requirements Software Requirement Java1.4 or More Swings Windows 98 or more. Hardware requirement Hard disk : 40 GB RAM : 128mb Processor : Pentium
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