Instrument Control with Matlab Hoang Le Phuong, Kim Dong Ok Department of Physics, IBS Center for Axion and Precision Physics Research, KAIST, Daejeon, Korea Introduction Measures The object of this research is to establish communication between instruments and computer. In order to do this, we designed Graphic User Interface (GUI) with Matlab to monitor the target instrument. By this method, we successfully control a system of several power supplies via Matlab programming. -Matlab can read the measure voltage and current value with higher precision. Attached below is the value table of voltage after several measures of a certain value. Voltage measured on Matlab (V) Voltage appeared on the screen (V) 9.80535100E-02 0.098 9.80766800E-02 9.80743800E-02 9.81054800E-02 9.80840800E-02 9.80809600E-02 9.80616500E-02 Mean=9.807667714E-02 Mean=0.098 Methods -The method that we use to connect a power supply with CPU is GPIB connection. This method requires our CPU to have a GPIB card which is fit with the adapter of GPIB cable. Overall, one end of the cable is connected with power supply and the other is connected with the GPIB card installed inside CPU. Attached below here is the images of GPIB cable, power supply, and GPIB card. Results -Attached below is Matlab GUI template for controlling a power supply. -Controlling buttons on this template are equivalent with the buttons on the power supply. -Attached below is Matlab GUI template for controlling a system of 2 power supplies. -By this template, we can read, write the voltage and current value for each power supply Acknowledgements can go down here. -Some of Matlab statements do not work for the reasons that we have not known yet. -Matlab actually reads the figures shown on the screen of Power Supply with better precision as shown on the template screen and data table (The figures on the screen have only 4 digits, while figures shown by Matlab have 9 digits). -The buttons designed on the template are even better than the buttons on the devices because we can control the voltage values by typing on the text cell rather than turning the knob on the devices. -We successfully control a system of two power supplies. -We obtain the general principles to manage the system of several instruments via Matlab. -In the future, we will extend our system into a system of different equipments to fulfill the purpose of designing gas handling system. [1]GPIBaddress.pdf [2] J. E. Moody and Frank Wilczek, Physical Review D, Volume 30, 130 (1984) [3] Asimina Arvanitaki1, Andrew A. Geraci; PACS numbers: 14.80.Va,76.60.-k,13.40.Em(2014) -By Matlab programming, we first control only one power supply and then design Matlab GUI for this control. -In order to control a system of several power supplies, we first set GPIB address for each equipment via ‘I/O Config’ key (The address can not be changed via a remote interface reset). -Finally, we design Matlab GUI template for controlling a system of several power supplies.