2017 TCS SMT Training - Dallas 2017 Consumables 2017 TCS SMT Training - Dallas
2017 TCS SMT Training - Dallas 2017 Consumable Ordering Consumables are purchased via a national contract with an AARP approved vendor (currently GraceWorkz, LLC). These items include lamps/bulbs for projectors and print cartridges & drums for all printers purchased and distributed by the National Office as well as many other models. Each state has one representative (Primary) and a back-up (Secondary) that may order directly from the vendor. “Listed Consumables”, specifically, most print cartridges and projector bulbs must be obtained directly from the AARP National vendor with no out-of-pocket expense. The list is available on OneSupport. There will be no reimbursement for listed items purchased elsewhere, so please submit a ticket through OneSupport if you are not sure. 2017 TCS SMT Training - Dallas
2017 TCS SMT Training - Dallas 2017 Consumables Schedule Consumable ordering is scheduled to open in early September. Primary contact: Steve Ow-Ling: steve0@pacbell.net Secondary contact: Edison Paw: esplcp1209@gmail.com Make sure to send email to Steve and Cc Edison for ordering consumables Combining orders to save the program several thousand dollars in shipping costs. 2017 TCS SMT Training - Dallas
2017 TCS SMT Training - Dallas 2017 Consumables Policy All printers purchased or donated to the Tax-Aide program must be compatible with and use toner cartridges available from GraceWorkz at the time they enter the program. Printers currently listed on the inventory as "OK", but do not take GraceWorkz toner cartridges, are still eligible to receive reimbursement. There are generally only one or two models added to the contract when it is renewed each year, so not every new model will be included because the contract is based on a national need for a particular consumable. 2017 TCS SMT Training - Dallas
2017 TCS SMT Training - Dallas Questions? QUESTIONS?? 2017 TCS SMT Training - Dallas
The Repair and Replacement Process 2017 TCS SMT Training - Dallas
Computer Repair and Replacement The Repair/Replacement process for computers was introduced into the Tax-Aide program in Nov 2013 The printer Repair/Replacement process has been active for over 7 years The current process vendor for both computer and printer repair and replacement is GraceWorkz, LLC Repairs include replacing CMOS batteries (not keeping the time). Graceworkz usually will send a new computer 2017 TCS SMT Training - Dallas
Repair/Replacement Eligibility Only Laptops, Desktops and printers marked as “OK” (working) on the most recent season’s inventory will be eligible for repair or replacement Donated equipment is eligible for repair and replacement after one year on the inventory IRS-owned, personally-owned and site or sponsor- owned equipment is not covered by the GraceWorkz contract 2017 TCS SMT Training - Dallas
2017 TCS SMT Training - Dallas Limited Local Repair Local repair of AARP Foundation Tax-Aide owned equipment is limited to the following: AC Power Adapters – local purchase authorized External Batteries – local purchase authorized **These are the only repairs that can be expensed. 2017 TCS SMT Training - Dallas
“Cosmetic” Damage is NOT Eligible for Repair/Replacement As a general rule, cosmetic issues (broken/cracked screens, liquid spills, etc) are seen by manufacturers as “negligence” and will not be repaired or replaced 2017 TCS SMT Training - Dallas
Stolen or Lost Computers Stolen computers should be reported to the local police immediately and then to National Office A Police Report should be submitted as soon as it is available if the unit is to be replaced Lost computers should also be reported to the National Office in case there is a chance it can be located Lost units are not eligible for replacement Use the “ST” status in the Online Inventory System (OIS) for both Stolen and Lost computers 2017 TCS SMT Training - Dallas
What if Lost or Stolen Unit is Found/Recovered? The National Office should be informed if any computers are recovered so the unit(s) can be reactivated and returned to the field for use The recovered unit should NOT be put back on State inventory by the state 2017 TCS SMT Training - Dallas
Computer Repair and Replacement Process All replaced computers MUST be returned to GraceWorkz after replacement (except those under warranty) **Failure to return a replaced computer may make the state ineligible for a replacement the next season GraceWorkz will mark replaced computers as “RP” in OIS as part of their ticketing process 2017 TCS SMT Training - Dallas
Submitting a Service Request There are two ways to contact GraceWorkz for service: The preferred method is to send an email request to aarpservice@graceworkz.com. This will create an electronic work ticket which streamlines the follow up process and the service can be tracked You may also call at 866-448-0420 or 608-467- 4086 (*option 1 for tech service) 2017 TCS SMT Training - Dallas
Request Forms for Service Instructions for placing a service request, including a standard form, for both computers and printers can be found on the OneSupport Help Center in the following section: Technology > Equipment Document Name: Equipment Repair, Replacement and Storage 2017 TCS SMT Training - Dallas
The TCS Role in the Repair/Replace Process Volunteers should contact TC/TCS with hardware issues and questions first It is preferred that TCS contact GraceWorkz for computer repair; however, the TCS can recommend the computer custodian contact GraceWorkz for this service If the TCS is not the individual submitting the request, then GraceWorkz will need to know who the state TCS is before proceeding with repair or replacement of equipment 2017 TCS SMT Training - Dallas
Repair/Replace Process TC email to GraceWorkz: aarpservice@graceworkz.com Include the following information: Custodian Name: Address: Phone Number: Computer/Printer Manufacturer: Computer/Printer Model: Computer/Printer Serial Number: Asset Tag: State: CA02 TCS: Edison Paw Computer/Printer Problem: 2017 TCS SMT Training - Dallas
Category 2 - Diversity, Expansion & New Sites This process was created to grow the program by creating diversity sites, expanding existing sites and /or growing new sites. Eligible sites may receive up to 3 laptops and 1 printer The process generally opens in October Managed by State Coordinator (SC) 2017 SC SMT Training - Dallas
All refreshed models are NO LONGER eligible for replacement. Technology Refresh Ongoing project dependent upon funding availability Phase 1 (completed) 2500 replaced,(HP 6000,6110,6120, 6220,6230) Phase 2, HP 6310 replaced in 2016-2017 Managed by Technology Specialists (TCS) and shipped from GraceWorkz All refreshed models are NO LONGER eligible for replacement. 2017 SC SMT Training - Dallas
2017 TCS SMT Training - Dallas Questions? QUESTIONS?? 2017 TCS SMT Training - Dallas