Update from MetaSUB Sydney Dr Catherine Burke MetaSUB Summit 2016 Shanghai, China
Sydney, Australia – Rail Network The Sydney Rail network consists of over 815 km of track, 7 lines and 178 stations, and services 290 million people annually. 4 of the 7 lines converge in the City Circle (outlined in red), which transports more than 300 000 people every day.
The City Circle 6 stations May 4th : 4 undergound, 2 aboveground May 4th : 3 x swabs for seats, handrails, bins, at each station 3 human volunteers: Hands swabbed before and after riding the City Circle Wash hands then swab 3 hours later 70 swabs total processed for DNA, 16S PCR and sequencing (V3-V4 region) June 21st 3 x swabs for seats, handrails, ticket machines at each 60 swabs total
Insert picture of Sufia and Rachel from twitter
Logistics and lessons learned Transport NSW gave permission to access stations for sampling dependent on: Signing in to each station for a visitor pass, swabbing only with a visitor pass Couldn’t sample from trains, only platform Not seeking media coverage Worried about “dirty train station” media stories
Planning for CSD 2017 New research hub at UTS – partnership between Transport NSW and Institute for Sustainable Futures Opportunity for possible collaboration between architects, city planners Biofoundry – Citizen Science Laboratory in Sydney Connect with enthusiastic citizen scientists for CSD 2017