Adrian Gray, HMI Divisional Manager, Ofsted Ceri Morgan, Her Majesty’s Inspector Prague 2012
news, changes, innovations within the last 2 – 3 years Changes to government policy – academies and free schools Increased collaboration between schools Behaviour and safety School self-evaluation form scrapped Prague 2012
news, changes, innovations within the last 2 – 3 years Inspection scheduling by risk not rota Jan 2012 framework revised in September 2012 ‘A good education for all’ – adequate is no longer acceptable Satisfactory replaced by ‘requires improvement’ Half a day notice period of inspection Reports focus on what schools need to be to be better Prague 2012
news, changes, innovations within the last 2 – 3 years Greater proportionality in inspection Flexibility in tariff for inspectors Inspection framework replaced by a new handbook Focus on the performance of teachers Student achievement as the key indicator Parent view – on line survey of views Much quicker return to schools that fail and those that require improvement Prague 2012
News, changes, innovations within the last 2 – 3 years – why focus on less successful schools? Research showed that ‘satisfactory’ schools improved less than those judged inadequate Ofsted analysis showed that ‘schools that stay satisfactory’ did so for years Governors and others were not acting to ensure strategic improvement Prague 2012
news, changes, innovations within the last 2 – 3 years Half of the schools judged ‘satisfactory’ stayed satisfactory Prague 2012
news, changes, innovations within the last 2 – 3 years Proportion of ‘outstanding’ schools has been reduced. Prague 2012
upcoming innovations, changes and challenges Curriculum changes Free schools, chains and federations Exam changes – proposed and recent Targeted school improvement work Limited resources Varying school leadership models Prague 2012