Welsh/Curriculum Cymreig & International Activities Topic: All About Me! Area: Science & Technology Class: Green Date:05/09/16 Activities Activities Sensory Cookery Tasting Indian food (Diwali) Catherine wheel pastries Design and make a fruit salad (Oliver’s Fruit Salad) Christmas Cookery: shortbread biscuits/mince pies/chocolate log Technology Switch toys ICT Rangoli & Mehndi patterns (Diwali) iPad/touch screen faces ICT Firework pictures Beebot Sequencing human life cycle Computing Activities Switch it hygiene IEP target iPad apps Welsh/Curriculum Cymreig & International Activities Visit local eco centre and explore natural materials and the seasons Welsh language patterns - Pwy wyt ti? (Who are you?) Pa liw? (What colour?) Dyma … (Here is/are …) Dw i’n hoffi … (I like …) Beth sy ar Sawl …? (How many …?) Numbers 1-3
Skills Computing Skills Class: Green Date: 05/09/16 Topic: Topic: All About Me! Area: Science & Technology : Skills Foundation Phase Skills Science To learn the names and uses of the main external parts of the human body and plants To observe differences between animals and plants, different animals, and different plants in order to group them To identify the similarities and differences between themselves and other children To learn about the senses that humans and other animals have and use to enable them to be aware of the world around them To identify some animals and plants that live in the outdoor environment To observe the effects the different seasons have on some animals and plants To experiment with different everyday objects and materials and use their senses to sort them into groups according to simple features and properties To experience both man made and natural materials To experience and begin to understand how some everyday materials change in shape when stretched, squashed, bent and twisted, and when heated or cooled Technology Experiment with new learning opportunities including ICT To develop gross and fine motor skills through ICT activities To see links between cause an effect LNF Targets Literacy (Oracy) To use a few very familiar words, signs or symbols To use single words and a growing number of brief phrases ‘all gone’, ‘drink please’ to express wishes and or needs To find a symbol/picture for a desired item and add to a phrase on a sentence strip, PC or tablet computer. To communicate mostly about familiar objects, people, or pictures immediately present but can also refer to their absence. To communicate about familiar stories and symbolic play, as well as people, places and events from their wider experience Numeracy (Using Number Skills) To anticipate climax in familiar number songs or rhymes (showing emergent recognition of number words) To recite numbers 1 to 3 To count 2 or 3 objects with support To count reliably up to 3 objects To count reliably up to 10 objects To compare and order numbers to at least 10 e.g. understand which number comes ‘before’ and ‘after’ and which is the ‘biggest, ‘smallest number’ Computing Skills Uses art package with touch screen to create effects (P3(ii)) Presses switch to activate object (P4) Operates control device in response to visual prompt (P4) Select from 2 switches with verbal prompt (P5) Matches objects to pictures on screen (P5) Match shapes to shapes on screen (P5) Welsh/Curriculum Cymreig & International Skills To view an listen carefully to a variety of visual and audio-visual stimuli To listen to familiar and unfamiliar voices