Status and plans for the Mu2e experiment


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Presentation transcript:

Status and plans for the Mu2e experiment Stefano Miscetti LNF, INFN, Italy For the Mu2e INFN group Mu2e @ CSN1 meeting Rome 22/Set/2016

S.Miscetti, MU2E @ CSN1 meeting, Roma Outline General status of MU2E Magnetic System Status Calorimeter status  “Past and Future” Reviews  Plans for Module-0 and slice tests  Simulation status  Engineering status Short term/long term plans Milestones 2016 Milestones 2017 September 22, 2016 S.Miscetti, MU2E @ CSN1 meeting, Roma

S.Miscetti, MU2E @ CSN1 meeting, Roma DOE CD-3 Approval Mu2e Achieved CD-3 Approval on July 14, 2016 CD-3 approval gives the Project the authorization to spend all allocated construction funds. CD-3 is the last CD approval prior to closing out the project. The Project will begin to have Construction Readiness Reviews, which are required before the Project grants permission to begin procurement/fabrication of subsystem components. Schedule of KPP4 of CD3 is consistent with previous estimate Start discussing of transition phase from project to operation. September 22, 2016 S.Miscetti, MU2E @ CSN1 meeting, Roma

S.Miscetti, MU2E @ CSN1 meeting, Roma Solenoid Update PS/DS New facility for assembly in Tupelo Coil winding machine en route from Italy to Tupelo Scheduled to arrive first week of August TS ~100% of conductor insulated Model module pre-construction review held at ASG June 20-21 First module expected for the end of the year PS Cable problem:  Bulges observed in Al stabilizer at 6 different locations along length  Furukawa believes they understand problem and how to prevent in future  FIXED last week September 22, 2016 S.Miscetti, MU2E @ CSN1 meeting, Roma

Contratto per moduli TS @ ASG Superconductors Tutti i conduttori realizzati, qualificati e spediti ad ASG. I conduttori isolati al 100% (ok tranne un incidente, comunque risolto). E’ in fase di completamento il modello – Settembre- (Fermilab ha insistito per avere un modello il più fedele possibile ai moduli da costruire). Fermilab ha richiesto di impregnare al massimo 4 bobine per volta. I tempi si sono allungati di qualche mese. Già da settembre dovrebbe cominciare la costruzione delle 52 bobine, raggruppate poi in 27 moduli e 14 unità. Deadline fine 2017. INFN GENOA will provide a partial Support for Follow-up of the TS construction September 22, 2016 S.Miscetti, MU2E @ CSN1 meeting, Roma

S.Miscetti, MU2E @ CSN1 meeting, Roma Superconducting Cables @ MA.RI.SA. Tutti i campioni di TS e DS sono stati caratterizzati September 22, 2016 S.Miscetti, MU2E @ CSN1 meeting, Roma

S.Miscetti, MU2E @ CSN1 meeting, Roma Critical Current for PS cable Siamo attualmente alle prese con la misura della corrente critica del cavo del PS. E’ molto difficile a causa della elevata corrente. Il cavo transisce nello stato normale prima di raggiungere la corrente critica. Diversi portacampioni sono stati sviluppati con l’aiuto dell’officina meccanica Work is in progress to conclude this part. New holders (“hard –way bent” instead of easy-way bent”) will be tried. September 22, 2016 S.Miscetti, MU2E @ CSN1 meeting, Roma

Detector Hall – exterior concrete work 20-July-2016 Civil construction proceeds well. Beneficial occupancy expected in the Fall September 22, 2016 S.Miscetti, MU2E @ CSN1 meeting, Roma

S.Miscetti, MU2E @ CSN1 meeting, Roma Calorimeter System September 22, 2016 S.Miscetti, MU2E @ CSN1 meeting, Roma

S.Miscetti, MU2E @ CSN1 meeting, Roma The Mu2e calorimeter The Calorimeter consists of two disks with 674 34x34x200 mm3 CsI square crystals: Rinner = 374 mm, Router=660 mm, depth = 10 X0 (200 mm) Each crystal is readout by two large area UV extended SIPM’s (14x20 mm2) Analog FEE is on the SiPM and digital electronics located in near-by electronics crates Radioactive source and laser system provide absolute calibration and monitoring capability September 22, 2016 S.Miscetti, MU2E @ CSN1 meeting, Roma

Long list of reviews on 2015-2016 TCR technology choice review, July 2015 Technical Choice  December 2015  CsI+SiPM FDR Final Design Review  Feb 2016 DR for CD3c , Director review for CD3-C  April 2016 CD3c  June 2016 CD3c approval , July 2016 A lot of work in the last 2 years, but we finally arrived to a final decision: We are freezing the design and proceeding with pre-production, Module-0 and final engineering. We will then proceed for slice test and construction period. Only comments/recommendations from CD-3c:  Test the “custom-SIPM” layout  Proceed with agreement btw Mu2e-INFN September 22, 2016 S.Miscetti, MU2E @ CSN1 meeting, Roma

Long list of “upcoming” reviews Mechanical Review  end of 2016- beginning 2017 Construction Readiness Review 1 (sensors, crystals)  March 2017 CRR for all calorimeter system ( mech, FEE, installation) Summer 2017 At least 3 “dedicated” reviews with the new appointed Oversight Committee. A clear priority path exists: - Conclude engineering Proceed with Module-0, vertical slice test Prepare Bids for large procurement Prepare QA / assembly site @ FNAL Make all possible tests under vacuum Complete Irradiation program September 22, 2016 S.Miscetti, MU2E @ CSN1 meeting, Roma

S.Miscetti, MU2E @ CSN1 meeting, Roma EMC Simulation Great improvement in simulation with full digitization included. As expected: CsI + SiPM is a good candidate also for Energy resolution! A lot of work also on trigger and on in-situ calibration. @ CD-3, crude hits digitization With realistic hits digitization September 22, 2016 S.Miscetti, MU2E @ CSN1 meeting, Roma

Work on engineering (shown @ referees) Crystal QA and dimensional control (LNF) Crystal mechanical properties (Lecce) Custom SIPM design (LNF) SIPM test  MTTF, irradiation,QA (LNF,Pisa) Mechanics : Overall design, mech. Structure (LNF) - Mechanics: CF/composite structure (Lecce) Mechanics: Calorimeter Mockup (All) Mechanics: FEE and photosensor cooling (LNF,PISA) Mechanics: Crate layout (Pisa) FEE development: AMP-HV+ Mboard (LNF) WF design ad integration  (Pisa) Module-0 (all) Slice test preparation (all) I. Sarra talk F.Happacher talk F.Raffaelli talk F.Spinella talk This talk September 22, 2016 S.Miscetti, MU2E @ CSN1 meeting, Roma

S.Miscetti, MU2E @ CSN1 meeting, Roma Irradiation plans Crystals tested up to 100 krad, 1012 n @ 14 MeV, slow neutron high rate SIPMs tested up to 20 krad, 4x1011 n_1MeV eq/cm2 WD (FPGA OK) ADC+DCDC tested up to 20 krad, 6x1011 n_1 MeV eq/cm2 Safety factors of 3 used so far Electronics integration group Increased safety factors value from 3 to 12 while asking for 10 year lifetime. So increases for FEE/WD are 10 for TID, 2 for neutrons. Calculation for SIPM underway In our requests, we have asked for travelling to Dresda and neutron beams @ FNG + TID @ Calliope. Requests could have been underestimated  we have probably to ask something additional SJ. September 22, 2016 S.Miscetti, MU2E @ CSN1 meeting, Roma

Status of “large” bids (1) The 2 largest bids are the ones for Crystals and photosensors Same technique of “competitive bid” used for both bids:  Use pre-production to rank the vendors  Final selection with 40% cost, 60% technical For crystals, the bid has been based @ FNAL: 6 vendors participated St.Gobain, Siccas, Amcrys, OptoMaterial, Hilger, Khineng. 3 vendors selected for preproduction St. Gobain, Siccas, Amcrys Unfortunately Optomaterial offered a price that was too high, it was a real outlier, 2600 $/piece. All firms accepted have prices < 1700 $/piece (i.e. inside our budget) We have required them to provide 24 pieces/each for module-0. We will receive additional 50 crystals from Amcrys as JINR (Dubna) contribution bringing to 122 crystals the amount we will use for pre-production tests and module-0.  Expect delivery end of October.  3 months delay w.r.t. our expected schedule. Milestone shift. September 22, 2016 S.Miscetti, MU2E @ CSN1 meeting, Roma

Status of “large” bids (2) For photosensors, the bid has been based @ INFN: 3 vendors participated 3 vendors selected for preproduction of the Custom SIPM Hamamatsu, SensL, FBK. Each of them will produce 50 pieces. Expected delivery middle of October We will take < 4 months for the evaluation. Shorter time for QA (< 2 months) Longer time for Irradiation and MTTF We will reward them with a fixed prize of 22 kEuro/each (with VAT,Shipping excluded). Also in this case, 2 months delay w.r.t. schedule. Milestone shift. A lot of tests done in the last months with “home-made” custom SIPM so that preparation of QA Station in Pisa is proceeding well September 22, 2016 S.Miscetti, MU2E @ CSN1 meeting, Roma

Status of MOA  SOW After a long “summer” iterations, the MOA has been transformed in a SOW (Statement of Work). The latest version can be signed by INFN president and FNAL Director. Final round of checks with MIUR in progress. It describes all sharing in “material” not in $$ between INFN and Mu2e. It describes all activities and in-kind contributions from INFN side for the calorimeter construction. All SOW bringing money (i.e. manpower contracts) to INFN side are ready to go and will be signed directly from the responsible parties of the laboratory, sections or department where the SOW is addressed:  SOW to Pisa for 2 year senior A&R  SOW to Marconi for 2 year A&R Due to the bid structure we have now, INFN is taking 100% care of the bid for the photosensors. This changes/reduces our load for the sharing of crystals. Apart preproduction for 102 kEuro (2016) next year (2017) will be dominated by two big bids: 223 kEuro (crystals), 996 kEuro (SiPM) w.o. contingency September 22, 2016 S.Miscetti, MU2E @ CSN1 meeting, Roma

S.Miscetti, MU2E @ CSN1 meeting, Roma Module-0 and slice test September 22, 2016 S.Miscetti, MU2E @ CSN1 meeting, Roma

S.Miscetti, MU2E @ CSN1 meeting, Roma Module 0 preparation for test beam 2016 Module 0 definition summary: 51 final size, kind of crystals, each one connected to 2 final package sensors, SiPMs SiPMs inserted in a rear-disk for cooling 1 final (pre-final) AMP-HV/SiPM 51 Crystals, 102 SiPM, 102 AMP-HV FEE chips pre-final FEE differential cables to MB - 4 adapted NIM Mezzanine boards (differential in input, coax cables output) 48 (+16) Coax cables from MB to: CAEN DAQ standalone system 1 Gsps sampling first proto WFD, 200 Msps @ 1 Gbps ethernet Test beam with e- beam at < 50 Hz (End of November) Crystal QA/wrapping @ LNF SIPM QA at Pisa SIPM MTTF/Rad @LNF/Caltech FEE AMP-HV test @LNF LASER: blue Hamamatsu Laser WD @ Pisa Drawings: executive Procurement: Crystals, Sensors OK, 50 from JINR Tyvek (L-4173D, 155 mum) OK, FEE OK September 22, 2016 S.Miscetti, MU2E @ CSN1 meeting, Roma

S.Miscetti, MU2E @ CSN1 meeting, Roma Module 0 preparation for test beam 2016 Mechanical shell + cradle  Lecce Front Face in composite material  Lecce Additional material for proto source piping  Caltech Back disk and cooling lines: Pisa Connection of cooling lines to Chiller: Pisa. Moving table @ angle: Lecce 50 SiPM holder+ Glue for SiPM  LNF. September 22, 2016 S.Miscetti, MU2E @ CSN1 meeting, Roma

S.Miscetti, MU2E @ CSN1 meeting, Roma Module 0 - preparation for spring 2017 TDAQ from Mu2e PC server ARM Controller Buffer I2C Regulator 8V Protections area 20 channels/board (Mezzanine and Waveform Digitizer) 4-5 Input connectors to MB with final cables Final MB and WD interface. WD with Optical Fiber readout I2C from MB to WD for slow control (DCS) Total of 6 MB and 6 WD needed September 22, 2016 S.Miscetti, MU2E @ CSN1 meeting, Roma

S.Miscetti, MU2E @ CSN1 meeting, Roma Steps for vertical slice and module-0 tests Step-1: rate test with LED/Laser flasher Instrument at least one channel of CsI+SiPM +FEE Pulse it with fast LED/Laser system for High rate test (10 to 200 kHz) Readout of 1 single channel first Fanout to 20 channels, readout of 20 channel with TDAQ pilot system at high rate; Step-2: repeat test beam, CR data taking with full readout and TDAQ pilot system (Spring 2017) Step-3: repeat test beam under vacuum with cooled SiPM in large dewar with Mylar window in front of calorimeter face; Step-4: Irradiate at 3 x flux module-0 for 1 month @ FNG neutron area and study response with CRs (discussion with ENEA in progress). Step-5 (SJ): If all other steps work  transport module-0 @ FNAL for test with pion beam at high rate. September 22, 2016 S.Miscetti, MU2E @ CSN1 meeting, Roma

Photosensor latest news Determination of I-V curves and gain done at LNF and Pisa  Station in PISA Irradiation test up to 4x1011 n/cm2 with SIPM @ controlled temperature done in Dresden. Test of the “charge resolution” effect of “Series” configuration tried with:  (a) not irradiated SiPMs and (b) a mixture of irradiated and Not irradiated SIPMs. Determination of MTTF and dependence of response from temperature. We are now testing the first “home-made” MU2E SIPM with first FEE release. September 22, 2016 S.Miscetti, MU2E @ CSN1 meeting, Roma

Photosensor station in Pisa Test of 20 MU2E SiPMs in one shot; 5 “reference” sensors; Uniform illumination (5%) with “quarzi sabbiati”; Controlled Temperature @ 10-1 Torr vacuum; Automatic DAQ with Keithley for I-V curve determination and response to LED. September 22, 2016 S.Miscetti, MU2E @ CSN1 meeting, Roma

S.Miscetti, MU2E @ CSN1 meeting, Roma Mechanics Design of large structures (disks and rings) are now getting frozen. They will be ready to go for construction after validation in the Mockup Now the engineers are finalizing the drawings with the goal of respecting the integration of the different components, achieving good thermal contacts and allow for easy access and replacement. The cooling system tightness and efficiency will be tested in Pisa. Work is in progress also to select the best materials for outgassing reasons A lot of design has been therefore focused on back plate and holders.  All these details will be finally tested in Module-0 and in the mockup. holder (Cu) SiPM Thermal Contact Board 690 max mWatt 150 mW each September 22, 2016 S.Miscetti, MU2E @ CSN1 meeting, Roma

S.Miscetti, MU2E @ CSN1 meeting, Roma Mockup status Proto Outer cylinder “full-size” @ LNF Feet+rails+adj mechanism - LNF shops Inner cylinder - Lecce - being manifactured Front plate - Lecce - being manifactured Back Cooling plate - Pisa - being manifactured SiPM+FEE holders – LNF - being manifactured Crate prototype @ Pisa  DONE & tested Cabling Mockup in preparation Stiffening Rings Cylinder MOLD Proto Cylinder 1.5 mm thick Front Place laminates September 22, 2016 S.Miscetti, MU2E @ CSN1 meeting, Roma

S.Miscetti, MU2E @ CSN1 meeting, Roma FEE status Production of version-0 FEE is underway 3 PRE-amps produced and tested. All functionality OK: noise, amplification, temperature sensor, current readout and pulse generator, HV regulator. - Firmware for “proto”-mezzanine board almost completed. Ready next week. MB in NIM format for the moment being; Cable from PRE to Mezzanine board selected. Connector for final MB is still under discussion. BID for 130 PRE-amps for Module-0 and 5 NIM proto MBs started. - PO expected for 15 October; Production completed @ 20 November. September 22, 2016 S.Miscetti, MU2E @ CSN1 meeting, Roma

S.Miscetti, MU2E @ CSN1 meeting, Roma WFD status Test singoli componenti OK sia per Rad-hard che B-field; Le schematiche per la versione V1 sono quasi complete (prima scheda @ fine ottobre) Definita la parte analogica di interfaccia tra ARM controller e ADC + connettore ADC, FPGA e DDR : OK Oltre ai transeiver ottici rad-hard, la V1 include un interfaccia Gbit elettrica Definito l’albero di clock Rimane da progettare la parte power (DCDC ok) Sbroglio e procurement dei componenti OK - Una versione preliminare del firmware (1 canale) testata su demo-board Versione 20 canali del firmware semplificato pronta e simulata Versione a 20 canali per Test Beam e’ in progress Il readout su fibra ed il DCS sono comuni a tutti e saranno sviluppata insieme al FNAL September 22, 2016 S.Miscetti, MU2E @ CSN1 meeting, Roma

S.Miscetti, MU2E @ CSN1 meeting, Roma MILESTONES AND PLANS September 22, 2016 S.Miscetti, MU2E @ CSN1 meeting, Roma

S.Miscetti, MU2E @ CSN1 meeting, Roma Milestones 2016 Descrizione Data completamento Completamento 10 run di misura su cavi superconduttori 01-12-2016 Costruzione modulo 0 01-10-2016 Test di cristalli pre-produzione 31-07-2016 Test di fotosensori pre-produzione Proto FEE 30-09-2016 100% 20% 0% 0% 100% Overall delay of 3 months on crystals/sensors due to length of burocracy for preparation of the competitive bids (INFN faster than FNAL!!!) We expect to fulfill all QA tasks before the end of the year. September 22, 2016 S.Miscetti, MU2E @ CSN1 meeting, Roma

S.Miscetti, MU2E @ CSN1 meeting, Roma Plans 2017 Tests of module-0 , both with test beams, under vacuum and under irradiation. Complete design for mechanics and electronics Integrate TDAQ and complete vertical slice Prove assembly and installation procedures with Mockup Prove final cabling on Mockup Start production for crystals and sensors Start construction of mechanical parts (back disk, inner rings …) Make selection of Laser system Complete simulation of calibration and trigger procedures September 22, 2016 S.Miscetti, MU2E @ CSN1 meeting, Roma

S.Miscetti, MU2E @ CSN1 meeting, Roma Milestones 2017 Descrizione Data completamento Completamento misure cavi superconduttori 11-2017 Completamento test beam modulo 0 02-10-2017 Versione finale FEE 30-11-2017 Versione finale WD Completamento test sotto vuoto 01-09-2017 Completamento test irraggiamento componenti September 22, 2016 S.Miscetti, MU2E @ CSN1 meeting, Roma

Group composition, talks/paper, milestones September 22, 2016 S.Miscetti, MU2E @ CSN1 meeting, Roma

S.Miscetti, MU2E @ CSN1 meeting, Roma FTE 2017 Sezione NUM FTE FTE/NUM Genova 4 2.2 0,55 Frascati 11(14) 6.5 (9) 0.59 (0.64) Lecce 6 2.6 0.46 Pisa 9 (10) 5.2 (6.2) 0.58 (0.62) TOTALE 30 (34) 16,5 (20,0) 0.55 (0.59) It does not account for 1 FTE of technical support in LNF that are of very high quality: A.Saputi is an engineer with a Tech. position. G.Corradi is the FEE designer. We have not associated 0.5 FTE from ENEA due to burocracy  in progress now. We have to associate 1 PhD student (Roma-2) at LNF in October We have to associate 1 A&R from Marconi next month for 2 years We have to associate 1 A&R from PISA for 2 years We have additional 2 FTE of technicians at LNF. Paid from SOW Effective FTE increase (+21%) of MU2E group. Effective increase of 15% of FTE/Person Stable situation for next 2 years for construction 2016 September 22, 2016 S.Miscetti, MU2E @ CSN1 meeting, Roma

S.Miscetti, MU2E @ CSN1 meeting, Roma Talks 2016 General talk on MU2E  Talk at DIS-2016 (Aprile 2016), (Morescalchi)  Poster at IFAE-2016 (April 2016) (Donghia)  Talk at Bloise-2016 (May 2016) (Pezzullo)  Talk at FPCapri-2016 (Jun 2016) (Pezzullo)  Talk at PASCOS-2016 (Jul 2016) (Sarra)  Talk at “New trends in HeP” (Oct 2016) (Happacher) Talk on calorimeter system  Talk at LNF spring school (Donghia)  Talk at CALOR-2016 (Martini)  Poster at CALOR-2016 (Donghia)  Talk at SIF-2016 (Set 2016) (Diociaiuti)  Talk at IPRD-2016 (Oct 2016) (DiFalco)  Poster at IPRD-2016 (Oct 2016) (Diociaiuti) Total on 2016 … 9 talks + 3 posters September 22, 2016 S.Miscetti, MU2E @ CSN1 meeting, Roma

S.Miscetti, MU2E @ CSN1 meeting, Roma Conclusions The MU2E experiment is progressing very well: CD3-c done and civil construction almost completed. Construction of accelerator, magnetic system and beam line proceeds according to schedule; All superconducting cables have been produced and their test continues @ Ma.Ri.Sa. INFN Genoa participates to the follow-up of TS construction @ ASG Superconductors Preparation of Calorimeter SOW is in progress. Signature expected in few weeks. Pre-production of crystals and SiPMs in progress  “burocracy” delay of 2.5 months!!! Large bids expected in 2017. A precise spending profile is being discussed now inside the Mu2e group and will be presented to our referees also for the “in-kind” parts. Calorimeter Engineering proceeds well  Mockup and module-0 are our short term goals 1 Mechanical Review and 2 CCR expected in the next 8 months before starting construction. September 22, 2016 S.Miscetti, MU2E @ CSN1 meeting, Roma

S.Miscetti, MU2E @ CSN1 meeting, Roma ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTATION September 22, 2016 S.Miscetti, MU2E @ CSN1 meeting, Roma

Proposed “new cost sharing” INFN Total Cost CORE Euro/$ exchange rate= 1,09 v4.0 by S.Miscetti 27/05/16 Cost Of Baseline Work Package Cost Cont Total Mechanics (100 %) €299.250,00 €49.500,00 €348.750,00 FEE (100 %) €296.000,00 €29.600,00 €325.600,00 WaveForm Digitizer (100%) €376.100,00 €73.415,00 €449.515,00 Laser System (100%) €147.000,00 €27.500,00 €174.500,00 Source (0%)   Cooling station(50%) €80.000,00 €20.000,00 € 100.000,00 TOTALE IN-KIND Total apparati - crys-ps €1.198.350,00 €200.015,00 €1.398.365,00 Contingency over (elec+mech+cal) 0,166908666 Cost of undoped CsI + SiPM Prezzo 7$/cc Crystals undoped CsI - preprod €60.000,00 €0,00 Crystals CsI - production - 150 only €222.371,13 €33.402,06 €255.773,20 Prezzo 300 Euro/pezzo UV SiPM (2x3 array) - preprod €42.000,00 UV SiPM - full-production €996.000,00 €148.000,00 €1.144.000,00 TOTALE GARE CsI+SiPM €1.320.371,13 €181.402,06 €1.501.773,20 TOTALE Gare+IN-KIND € 2.518.721,13 € 381.417,06 € 2.900.138,20 September 22, 2016 S.Miscetti, MU2E @ CSN1 meeting, Roma

Spending Profile “Preliminary proposal” summary   2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 total Crystals 60 255 40 15 370 Photosensors 42 950 100 1132 Mechanics 62 207 39 41 349 FEE 26 20 228 34 18 326 WaveForm 10 327 449 LASER 79 50 5 174 Cooling 30 70 TOTAL 232 1482 813 240 33 2900 September 22, 2016 S.Miscetti, MU2E @ CSN1 meeting, Roma

S.Miscetti, MU2E @ CSN1 meeting, Roma Status of European network MUSE (2) Breakdown for Mu2e component inside Muse Group Scheduled Started+planned Fraction LNF 18 13 72% PISA 14 10 71% LECCE 4 3 75% TOTAL 36 26 72 % MU2E group is proceeding fairly well with planned secondments No bad for the start of the project Average cost of travelling (INFN+MUSE) estimated for the first 8 months: @ LNF: 5.700 Euro/month @ Pisa: 6.000 Euro/month September 22, 2016 S.Miscetti, MU2E @ CSN1 meeting, Roma

Summer Students at Fermilab and other US Laboratories 9-week internship, 40 students, ~10,000 $/student

S.Miscetti, MU2E @ CSN1 meeting, Roma September 22, 2016 S.Miscetti, MU2E @ CSN1 meeting, Roma