Title Subtitle
Visual Analytics Cyber-Collaboratories OptIPortals (HIPerWall, HIPerSpace, etc.) OptIPresence Collaborative Visual Analytics Space Extremely large data sets or images Multiple views/parameters of a data set Comparative view of many data sets Video and streaming of remote collaborators Research Topics: Image and Video Handling Data Movement & Caching Real-time Visualization Parallel Rendering Interaction
HIPerSpace Display Characteristics 70 Tiles (14 x 5 layout) 286 Mega Pixel Resolution Visualization Cluster 19 Quad-core Nodes 37 nVIDIA Quadro FX5600 GPUs 9 Terabytes of Storage Network Gigabit/sec (Data, Visual, Sync) 10 Gbit/sec OptIPuter Connectivity Triple-homed head node Operating System ROCKS-based Linux Distribution
HIPerSpace > 1 pixel per US citizen based on 2000 census 70 display tiles in 14 x 5 layout 30” diagonal display tiles 2,560 x 1,600 pixels per tile 286,720,000 pixels native resolution 35,840 x 8,000 pixels Active pixels 347,760,000 pixels effective image size 38,640 x 9,000 pixels Includes pixels covered by bezels in French window mode
Acknowledgments Funding Agencies and Research Consortia National Science Foundation (NSF) National Institutes of Health (NIH) Office of Naval Research (ONR) Army Research Labs (ARL) Research and Development Partnerships King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) Industry Sponsors and Collaborators Hewlett Packard (HP) INTEL Kajima Corporation Microsoft Research nVIDIA Panasonic Qualcomm WesternDigital (WD)