Social Studies /6th Teachers: Roberts/Gonzalez/Sanchez 2013-2014
Unit TEKS: (RS/SS) 6.15 (A)(RS) define culture and the common traits that unify a culture region; 6.15 (B)(SS) identify and describe common traits that define cultures; 6.16 (A)(RS) identify institutions basic to all societies, including government, economic, educational, and religious institutions; 6.21 (C)(PS) organize and interpret information from outlines, reports, databases, and visuals, including graphs, charts, timelines, and maps; 6.21 (B)(PS) analyze information by sequencing, categorizing, identifying cause-and-effect relationships, comparing, contrasting, finding the main idea, summarizing, making generalizations and predictions, and drawing inferences and conclusions; 6.8 (A)(SS) describe ways in which the factors of production (natural resources, labor, capital, and entrepreneurs) influence the economies of various contemporary societies; 6.8 (C)(RS) explain the impact of relative scarcity of resources on international trade and economic interdependence among and within societies. 6.22(A)(PS) use social studies terminology correctly.
Subject Social Studies DATE: 9-23-13 SE 6.21 (B)(PS) analyze information by sequencing, categorizing, identifying cause-and-effect relationships, comparing, contrasting, finding the main idea, summarizing, making generalizations and predictions, and drawing inferences and conclusions; WARM-UP Brain Pop Population Growth Activity Students will complete a cause –and–effect chart Homework Study notes. LANGUAGE OBJ Essential Question? Why is the Earth’s population growing faster now than in the past? Assessment Teacher will grade assignment S speaking W writing R reading L listening X
Subject Social Studies DATE: 9-24-13 SE 6.21 (C)(PS) organize and interpret information from outlines, reports, databases, and visuals, including graphs, charts, timelines, and maps; WARM-UP Brain Pop--Immigration Activity Students will complete a chart with information about migration. Homework Study notes LANGUAGE OBJ Essential Question? What pushes and pulls people from one country to another? Assessment Teacher checks for understanding. S speaking W writing R reading L listening X
Subject Social Studies DATE: 9-25-13 SE 6.15 (A)(RS) define culture and the common traits that unify a culture region; 6.15 (B)(SS) identify and describe common traits that define cultures; WARM-UP Brain Pop--Religion Activity Students will take notes on culture and culture institutions and start foldable on religions. Homework Study notes LANGUAGE OBJ Essential Question? How does culture affect a person’s life? Assessment Teacher checks for understanding. S speaking W writing R reading L listening X
Subject Social Studies DATE: 9-26-13 SE 6.8 (A)(SS) describe ways in which the factors of production (natural resources, labor, capital, and entrepreneurs) influence the economies of various contemporary societies; 6.8 (C)(RS) explain the impact of relative scarcity of resources on international trade and economic interdependence among and within societies. WARM-UP Brain Pop—Supply and Demand Activity Students will complete the Concept Web on Economic and Political systems. Homework Study notes. LANGUAGE OBJ Essential Question? What causes the prices of products to change? Assessment Teacher will grade assignment. S speaking W writing R reading L listening X
Subject Social Studies DATE: 9-27-13 SE 6.15 (A)(RS) define culture and the common traits that unify a culture region; 6.15 (B)(SS) identify and describe common traits that define cultures; 6.16 (A)(RS) identify institutions basic to all societies, including government, economic, educational, and religious institutions; WARM-UP Explain the push pull theory. Activity Students will take quiz on population, migration, and culture . Homework Study notes . LANGUAGE OBJ Essential Question? What types of economic systems do nations use? Assessment Teacher checks for understanding and graded test. S speaking W writing R reading L listening X