Acquisition of Initial Facilities Redefining the future for people and places
We’re better together. Initial Facilities was acquired by Interserve on March 18th 2014. This is great news for both organisations as it a step forward into an exciting future, where we plan to keep on growing.
What does this mean to me? This is a positive change for our businesses, which will help us grow. We’re not asking you to do anything differently, just to keep on doing a great job and enjoy being part of our future. Very little changes today Keep on doing a great job Bigger, stronger, better future
For those Initial Employees joining us today For those Initial Employees joining us today... Get a better view of Interserve. Watch our Chief Executive talk about the deal and what it means Find out about Interserve’s vision and values Learn what it means to us to work in facilities management
Get it now: Questions and support. If you have any questions please just ask Text in questions to 07860 022851