Middle School English Language Arts
English Agenda Grade 5 ELA Curriculum – Reading Street. Reading Writing Language: Spelling & Conventions Speaking & Listening
Grade 5 – Reading Themed Units: Literary Circles Book Recommendations Meeting Challenges, Doing the Right Thing, Inventors & Artists, Adapting, Adventurers, & The Unexpected Within the units, there are short stories that focus on developing reading skills. Literary Circles Book Recommendations
Grade 5 – Writing Journal Writing Compositions that use the 5 steps to writing Research Reports The effective use of rubrics
Grade 5 Language: Spelling & Conventions Leveled Spelling Grammar that covers the parts of speech, punctuation, and capitalization. Vocabulary based upon short stories from Reading Street selections. Spelling Bee
Grade 5 Speaking & Listening The development of effective listening and speaking skills through: Interviewing, Collaborative Group Work, Media Literacy Reader’s Theater Story Telling Speeches