Ottoman Empire Loses power A. During the last 300 year the empire slowly declined B. Reforms fail 1.after Suleiman I died in 1566, ottoman was ruled by many week sultans C. Problems 1. Corruption and theft caused financial losses 2. Coinage was devalued, causing inflation 3. unemployed ex-soldiers and students caused trouble D. Selim III came to power in 1789 and attempted to modernize the arm. He was overthrown and reform movements were temporarily abandoned E. 1830 Greece gained its independence and Serbia gained self rule.
Europeans Grab Territory Geopolitics- an interest in or taking of land for its strategic location or products played and important role in the fate of the Ottoman Empire. Ottomans controlled access to the Mediterrean and the Atlantic sea trade Discovery of Oil in Persia and the Arabian Peninsula around 1900 focused more attention on the area In 1853 war broke out between the Russians and the Ottomans which was called the Crimean War The Ottomans lost control of Romania, Montenegro, Cyprus, Bosnia, Herzegovina and an are that became bulgaria.
Egypt Tries to Reform Modernization came to Egypt due to the French Revolution Muhammad Ali was sent to protect Egypt , but he broke away from the Ottoman control Series of wars, through which he gained control of Syria and Arabia Ali’s grandson later granted the building of the Suez Canal Later was taken over, by the British Gov’t Britain used it as a way to make British life easier and life harder for Egypt
Persia Pressured To Change Southwest Asia, Russia, and Great Britain competed to exploit Persia commercially Persia gave up territories twice to Russian military defeat Persia lacked the capital to develop their own resources In 1906 a group of revolutionists forced the ruler to establish a constitution In 1907 Russia and Britain took over Persia and divided it into spheres of influence