Regional Business Incubators’ Network Black Sea BI-NET Final Conference Aslı Moral – OKA 5-6 March 2015 – Moldova
2023 Vision of Turkey The Republic of Turkey is preparing for the year 2023, its 100th anniversary year of establishment. The government has set forth a bunch of goals/targets to be met by 2023, referred to as 2023 Vision of Turkey Economy, Energy, Foreign Policy, Health Care It is defined in said statement that Turkey will Take place among the top 10 economies in the world by the year 2023 Increase annual Turkish exports to $500 billion
Internationalization in Turkey Min of Science, Industry & Technology KOSGEB Ministery of Economy Investment Supports Ministery of Development OKA Incubation Center: İŞGEM
Ministery of Economy The new Investment Incentive Program that is vital for Turkey’s 2023 vision as well as for the production and export-oriented growth strategy aims to: steer savings into high value added investments, boost production and employment, encourage large scale and strategic investments with high R&D content for increased international competitiveness, increase foreign direct investments, reduce regional development disparities, promote investments for clustering and environment protection, in line with the objectives set in development plans and annual programs.
Ministery of Science, Industry and Technology KOSGEB => Small and Medium Enterprises Development Organisation Main Target: To increase SME’s share in economical and social development offering quality service and supports towards developing SME’s power of competition and spreading culture of entrepreneurship.
Supports Thematic Project Support Program Cooperating Support Program Entreprenur Support Program General Support Program SME Project Support Program R&D, Innovation & Industrial Application Support Program Emerging Entreprises Market SME Support Program Loan Interest Support Program
Ministery of Development Plan Program Investment Coordination Development => 26 Development Agencies
Middle Black Sea Development Agency (OKA) Middle Black Sea Development Agency (OKA) was established by the decision of the Council of Ministers on November 10th, 2008. Branch of Ministry of Development of Turkey
Duties of the Agency are as follows: Providing technical support to the planning activities and duties of local authorities, Supporting the activities and projects ensuring the implementation of regional plan and programs, Contributing to the improvement of the capacity of the region and supporting the projects within this extent as well, Monitoring other projects implemented by public sector, private sector and non-governmental organizations in the region and considered as important in terms of regional plan and programs, Improving cooperation between public sector, private sector and non-governmental organizations to achieve regional development objectives, Carrying out research activities concerning the determination of resources and opportunities of the region
Workshops Workshops in different subjects like tourism, health economy, agriculture have been organised with the particpation of related public & private institutions, universities, NGOs
Conferences With OKA and EURADA partnership, on 25-26 October 2010 the seminer “MIRRORING EU AND TURKISH RDAs” and on 18-19 October 2012 Agorada Conference “ADOPTION OF A REGIONAL STRATEGY: THE DAY AFTER” have been held in Samsun.
Clustering Activities OKA is dealing with clustering activities in certain sectors which were determined in “Competetiveness Analysis of Sectors That Leads Samsun Economy” report prepared in 2010. A conference on clustering applications held in 2011 in Samsun and a workshop organised in Samsun on medical economy.
Logistics In 2010 Logistic Master Plan of TR83 Region was prepared. A Logistic Platform was established to coordinate logistic issues of the region. Logistic Center of Samsun project has been accepted within 4th Project Package of RCOP where the applicant is OKA with a budget of approximately 20 Million Euros.
International Relations The Association of Regional Development Agencies (EURADA) Membership OKA became member of EURADA on 20th of April 2010 OKA is represented in EURADA Board of Directors for 2012-2014 period. World Association of Investment Promotion Agencies (WAIPA) Membership OKA became member in 2011 and participates to annual meetings.
Study Visits Study visits to other regional development agencies to observe best practices and formulate future partnerships have been carried out by Members of Administrative Board and OKA staff
SAMSUN LOGISTICS CENTER PROJECT The Project “Samsun Logistics Center” is one of the projects approved under the 4th project package of the Regional Competitiveness Operational Program. The estimated budget of the project is more than 20 million euros
In our region there are 6 business incubators. In Samsun : 1 Techno park,1 TEKMER, 1 ISGEM In Çorum: 1 Techno park (in establishment phase with support of OKA), ABİGEM In Tokat: ISGEM (in establishment phase)
ISGEM is administrated by SABEK (Samsun Regional Economic Development Organisation)
Samsun Regional Economic Development Organisation was established to realize the local development initiative with the leadership of Samsun Metropolitan Municipality in 2004. Established depends on the Samsun Development Plan.
IŞGEM actualized with a contract, approximately 800. 000 TL (350 IŞGEM actualized with a contract, approximately 800.000 TL (350.000 Euro) grant from KOSGEB in 2006. 48 companies settled so far. 12 company have been graduated and has 19 tenants.
What is ISGEM? ISGEM supports entrepreneurs who have handcraft and business idea for production and manufacturing, to realize their projects by providing them workplace, machinery and equipment, finance, office services, common areas, management, security, consultancy and training services. Also, ISGEM assist firms to successfully complete their establishment phase which is very risky period for failing by providing access to financial resources.
Main Aim of ISGEM Providing economic growth in our province, by supporting entrepreneurship and improving the quality of life by sustaining the economic growth To boost the economical growth by accelarating to establish new firms and enhancing the strategical and financial success of entrepreneurs
In 300.000 square meter field allocated by Samsun Metropolitan Municipality, 26 workplace with 271 square meter, and 430 square meter administrative building were built. ISGEM works as a public private partnership project and is a non-profit organisation.
Services of İŞGEM Innovative manufacturing Medical Instruments and Health Sector Coaching on Reaching national and international funding Project proposal preparetion for financial support Patent application Mach making & finding partner
Services of İŞGEM Promoting and marketing service Salesroom & showrom at the city center National and international fair participation Promoting advertisements of firms have been prepared in local and national media. University – Industry collaboration will be created in ISGEM. ISGEM is a member of Medical Clustering Match-Making Activities have been organized together with Organized Industrial Zone. Works common needs of tenants: made special agreements for shipping, promotional materials, advertisement materials.
ASLI MORAL Middle Black Sea Development Agency (OKA) Tel : +90 (362) 431 24 00 Mail : Web :