USE OF SCHOOL FACILITIES Hesperia Unified School District Workshop April 20, 2015 Alan P. Giles, Asst. Superintendent Matt Machado, Director Maint. & Operations Virginia Gutierrez, Director Purchasing & Facilities
Key Facts – Why? Civic Center Act CA Education Code section 38130-38139 The Civic Center Act establishes a civic center at each school site to provide space for the community to engage in recreational, educational, political, economic, artistic and moral discussions and activities.
Key Facts – Why? Spirit of the law is to ensure that public facilities and fields are available to the public for acceptable use pursuant to LEA board policies and procedures. Allows for school districts to reclaim reasonable costs associated with public use of school facilities.
Key Facts – What? SB 1404 (Sept. 2012) amended section 38134 of the Civic Center Act, expanding direct costs to include: “the share of the costs for maintenance, repair, restoration, and refurbishment, proportional to the use of school facilities or grounds.” Previously only “Fair Rental” users could be charged these costs.
Key Facts – What? Direct costs groups were previously limited to the “share of the costs of supplies, utilities, janitorial services, services of school district employees, and salaries paid to school district employees.” In other words, direct costs paid for supplies, utilities, and people—not for building maintenance. Applies to non-classroom space and school grounds (athletic grounds and school facilities).
HUSD Board Policy 1330 FEES Free Use Direct Cost Fair Rental Value Fee Schedule
FREE USE Free Use – The Board authorizes the use of school facilities or grounds without charge outside the normal school day when an alternative location is not available. For activities of: Non-profit organizations, clubs of associations organized to promote Hesperia youth and school activities.
FREE USE - Continued Local Hesperia Church Youth groups/clubs, college/university classes which our employees or students may attend. Local city and county governments, special districts, and non-profit civic organizations. Including, but not limited to Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, Camp Fire, 4H, PTA/PTO, school booster clubs, school advisory councils, local church youth clubs, Hesperia Chamber of Commerce.
FREE USE - Continued Summer programs, After School Activity Programs (ASAP), and sports programs run in conjunction with Hesperia Recreation and Park District, shall also have district facilities provided at no charge.
FREE USE - Continued Other groups shall be charged at least Direct Costs. All of the above “no charge” usage must begin and end during the regular work hours of site custodial coverage. Requested or actual usage outside normal custodial coverage hours, will result in a charge to “Direct Cost Fee.” The free use policy does not apply to the use of any district stadium, multi-purpose/gym, shop, or kitchen.
DIRECT COSTS Direct Costs - Activities and usage other than those specified for Free Use or Fair Rental Value Fee, shall be charged a fee not to exceed the actual direct cost to the District. This includes, but is not limited to, usage outside the normal custodial coverage hours, use on a Saturday, Sunday or holiday or other non- custodial work day.
FAIR RENTAL VALUE Fair Rental Value - Groups that use school facilities or grounds for the following reasons shall be charged fair rental value: Entertainment or meetings where admission is charged, or contributions solicited and net receipts are not expended for charitable purposes or for the welfare of the District’s students. Other allowable usage that has no connection to Hesperia Unified School District.
FEE SCHEDULE Fee Schedule - (See Attached) Fees shall increase annually by 2%. The Assistant Superintendent of Business Services is authorized to increase fees when deemed appropriate. For example, the fee schedule may be changed due to salary and energy increasing above the 2% annual increase.
Facility 101 Demo