The Health Economic Assessment Tools (HEAT) for Walking and Cycling: What is it about and the Brussels case study Florinda Boschetti, Polis network (Contributions.


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Presentation transcript:

The Health Economic Assessment Tools (HEAT) for Walking and Cycling: What is it about and the Brussels case study Florinda Boschetti, Polis network (Contributions by: Sonja Kahlmeier, University of Zurich, EBPI, Physical Activity and Health Unit; Alberto Castro, University of Zurich; David Rojas, Barcelona ISGlobal; Frederik Depoortere, Brussels-Capital Region) This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research; technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no 602624-2.

What is HEAT? “For a given volume of walking or cycling within a defined population what is the economic value of the health benefits?” Online tool Economic assessment of health benefits of walking or cycling Reduced premature mortality ‘only’ Second UK Bike Share conference, 27-28 September 2017, Manchester

Standard approach to transport HIAs - where are the health benefits? Costs Benefits Construction Congestion Maintenance Journey ambience Inconvenience CO2 Casualties Environmental effect Second UK Bike Share conference, 27-28 September 2017, Manchester

Standard approach to transport HIAs - where are the health benefits? Costs Benefits Construction Congestion Maintenance Journey ambience Inconvenience CO2 Casualties Prevented premature mortality Environmental effect Absenteeism Morbidity Second UK Bike Share conference, 27-28 September 2017, Manchester

HEAT approach Practical tool designed primarily for transport planners Recognises importance of economic analysis in transport: benefit-cost ratio is king Evidence-based Transparent Adaptable ‘Do once and share’ Second UK Bike Share conference, 27-28 September 2017, Manchester

Expertise involved – advisory groups Second UK Bike Share conference, 27-28 September 2017, Manchester

Value the estimated use of the scheme Evaluating past projects HEAT’s potential uses Planning new projects Value the estimated use of the scheme Evaluating past projects Value of health benefits of increased use Modeling Projections of future levels Assessments of current use Eg how much is walking or cycling worth in my city? Second UK Bike Share conference, 27-28 September 2017, Manchester

Required user input Protective benefit capped at 45% risk reduction for cycling and 30% for walking Second UK Bike Share conference, 27-28 September 2017, Manchester

Second UK Bike Share conference, 27-28 September 2017, Manchester

Method and user guide Electronic and printed (English only) English, German, French, Spanish, Finnish, Polish Updated in August 2014 (English only) Second UK Bike Share conference, 27-28 September 2017, Manchester

The results of the HEAT study in Brussels (1) A ‘classic’ cost-benefit method was used to estimate direct & indirect benefits of cycling in Brussels. ‘HEAT’ was used mainly to assess indirect benefits, & cross check the conclusions of the first part. Input data: 2002 reference year ‘0’ 2012 current situation, with 4% mode share 2020 20% mode share, according to IRIS 2 Second UK Bike Share conference, 27-28 September 2017, Manchester

The results of the HEAT study in Brussels (2) Currently, cycling already accounts for: 200 jobs 100 million of indirect benefits (mainly public health) 11 million invested/year doesn’t seem that much… Potentially, if we reach our 2020 goal, benefits amount to: 700 jobs 500 million yearly indirect benefits Second UK Bike Share conference, 27-28 September 2017, Manchester

The “new” HEAT The HEAT provides a health economic assessment related to preventable deaths attributable to the increased rate of walking or cycling. The “new” HEAT introduces new health determinants, like traffic incidents, air pollution exposure, and carbon emissions. Second UK Bike Share conference, 27-28 September 2017, Manchester

What does active mobility mean for health? The health benefits of physical activity outweigh the estimated detrimental effects of personal air pollution exposure and the risk of traffic incidents. Increases in active mobility can also help to reduce air pollution and noise levels in cities benefiting the society as a whole. Second UK Bike Share conference, 27-28 September 2017, Manchester

Florinda Boschetti, Polis Rue du Trone 98 B-1050 Brussels Tel. +32 2 500 56 74 E-mail: This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research; technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no 602624-2.