Nixon-Bush Jr. Presidential Webquest Jimmy Carter #______ When was Jimmy Carter president? What was Jimmy Carter’s greatest success? Explain what he did? What was Jimmy Carter’s greatest failure? How did this impact Jimmy Carter’s political career? What do you think is taking place in the picture below? Richard Nixon #______ Use the following website: When was President Nixon elected? As part of the conservative movement, what did he believe was the role of government? What was Richard Nixon’s greatest scandal? Explain? What was the result of his impeachment trial? Ronald Reagan # _____ When was Reagan President? What were some of the main aspects of Reaganomics. Using the following site , explain the trickle down theory. What happened with the Cold War under Reagan? Be specific. 5. View the following video Explain the Iran- Contra affair and its significance. Gerald Ford #______ When was President Ford President and how did he become President? What was the most important aspect of Gerald Ford’s presidency? Under Gerald Ford’s presidency two major cases were decided at the Supreme court level: Roe v. Wade and Bakke v. California, use this site to determine what each case determined? Directions: Go to menu and type in court case to search engine. Results will return back supreme court decision. George Bush Sr. # _____ When was George Bush Sr. President? What military conflict was Bush responsible for and why were they fighting? When did this war take place?