ODOT Flexible Funds Program Overview January 7, 2010
Context The ODOT Flexible Funds Program is based on direction from the Oregon legislature to invest in non-highway transportation. In May, 2010, the Transportation Commission approved the program. Additionally, the Commission directed staff to form a Stakeholder Advisory Committee, to be chaired by Commissioner Mary Olson. The Advisory Committee was tasked with helping the Department develop program criteria.
Program Purpose Support sustainable non-highway projects that positively impact: Modal Connectivity The Environment Mobility and Access Livability Energy Use Overall Operation of the Transportation System.
Key Program Characteristics Focus Areas: Transit, Bicycle, Pedestrian, Transportation Demand Management (TDM); related planning, research and project development. Funding: $21 million in FHWA Surface Transportation Funds (STP) were available during the recently completed funding cycle. Eligible Applicants: Government entities eligible to receive STP funds. Project Size: Minimum $50,000 (Federal Share); Maximum $2.1 million (Federal Share). Match Requirement: 10.27% local contribution.
Background In August, the Commission approved criteria recommended to them by the Advisory Committee. An application process for the Flexible Funds Program was initiated by staff in September, 2010. Applications were due to ODOT in November, 2010. 115 requests for funding were received for Transit, Transportation Demand Management (TDM), Bicycle and Pedestrian projects.
Background - continued Over $83 million in funding was requested for the $21 million in available federal funds from the Surface Transportation Program. Projects were evaluated by an ODOT Internal Review Committee. Evaluations were based on the criteria developed with the assistance of the Advisory Committee and approved by the Commission. The Transportation Commission will consider the recommended package of projects at their January, 2011 meeting.
Program Criteria The Criteria focused on several key themes: Connectivity, integration and benefit to the (transportation) system. Sustainability. Mobility, access and health.
Additional Considerations Applicants were also asked to identify: Project benefits and costs. Timelines. Local support. Planning. Availability of matching funds.
Next Steps Reconvene the Flexible Funds Advisory Committee. Assess how well the Program worked during the first application cycle. Identify lessons learned. Update/revise the application process and program criteria as needed. Prepare for the next round of funding, pending direction from the Transportation Commission.
Questions? Bob Sherman, Sr. Transportation Planner Telephone: 503 986-4226 Email:Robert.L.Sherman@odot.state.or.us Website: http://www.oregon.gov/ODOT/TD/TP/FlexFunds.shtml