WECC Regional Standards Update Steve Rueckert – Director of Standards Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Western Electricity Coordinating Council Overview BAL-002-WECC-2 Field Test TOP-007-WECC-1a Retirement Status Generator Validation Ballot Results FAC Regional Variances Retirement PSS Design and Performance Status TPL-001-WECC-CRT-3 Status Open Ballot Pools Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Western Electricity Coordinating Council BAL-002-WECC-2 Field Test At the July OC meeting there were no major concerns voiced regarding the proposed field test WECC Standards Committee has approved the concept Awaiting NERC approval of the Field Test Waive Compliance with Requirement R2 Western Electricity Coordinating Council
TOP-007-WECC-1a Retirement Status Two Requirements Mitigate SOL violations Do not schedule above SOL Since the original approval date, several NERC Standards have been modified and the Requirements are now addressed by other NERC continent-wide standards WECC Path Operator Task Force concluded that TOP-007-WECC-1a is no longer required Western Electricity Coordinating Council
TOP-007-WECC-1a Retirement Status WECC Ballot Pool has already approved retirement WECC Board has already approved retirement NERC BOT has adopted the proposal to retire the Regional Reliability Standard and filed with FERC FERC had some Questions Working with Peak Reliability and NERC to make a Supplemental Filing Still hoping for an April 1, 2017 retirement Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Generator Validation Ballot Results Project was to include WECC Generator Testing Policy thresholds in mandatory reliability standards (Variance to MOD-026 and MOD-027) Ballot window was August 9-25, 2016 Ballot did not pass WSC agreed to terminate the project Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Generator Validation Ballot Results MOD-026-1 Excitation Control System or Plant Volt/VAR Control Total Number of Votes: 90 Quorum: 83.3 percent Weighted Vote: 24.2 percent MOD-027-1 Turbine Governor and Load Control or Power Frequency Control Total Number of Votes: 89 Quorum: 82.4 percent Weighted Vote: 27.0 percent Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Retire FAC Regional Differences Project to retire WECC Regional Differences to FAC-010-2.1 and FAC-011-2 Drafting team recommended moving some outages to the WECC Path Rating Process PCC formed a small task force to review and revise the Path Rating Process Team concluded the Annual Progress Report Procedures should be revised instead PCC approved revisions at their July meeting Western Electricity Coordinating Council
PSS Design and Performance Status Update to VAR-501-WECC-2 GO must provide documentation to the TOP describing circumstances when the PSS will not be providing an active signal to the AVR Requires PSS to be in service at all times except under certain conditions identified in the standard Includes Tuning Requirements Installation requirements under certain circumstances Repair failed PSS Western Electricity Coordinating Council
PSS Design and Performance Status Update to VAR-501-WECC-2 Ballot Window April 12 – May 2, 2016 Total Number of Votes: 85 Quorum: 92.4 percent Weighted Vote: 66.0 percent Board approved on September 21, 2016 Will be filed with NERC for NERC BOT adoption NERC filing with FERC if the NERC BOT adopts the Regional Reliability Standard Western Electricity Coordinating Council
TPL-001-WECC-CRT-3 Status WECC Regional Criterion Identifies default planning criteria for acceptable system performance in planning studies Requires Transmission Planners and Planning Coordinators that use different Criteria to make the criteria available upon request Western Electricity Coordinating Council
TPL-001-WECC-CRT-3 Status Ballot Window April 12 – May 2, 2016 Total Number of Votes: 83 Quorum: 90.22 percent Weighted Vote: 85.0 percent Approved by the WECC Board on September 21, 2016 Became effective upon approval Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Western Electricity Coordinating Council Open Ballot Pools Project WECC-0119A – Retirement of PRC-003-WECC-CRT-1.3; Protection System and RAS Misoperations Reporting Project WECC-0119C – Removal of the Reliability Assurer from PRC-006-WECC-CRT-2; Underfrequency Load Shedding Ballot Pool forming through October 19, 2016 Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Western Electricity Coordinating Council Other Projects Several projects underway to remove the Reliability Assurer from WECC Regional Criteria Five-year review of several Regional Reliability Standards and Regional Criteria Project to review and revise BAL-004-WECC-2 Western Electricity Coordinating Council