Information handling software
Information handling software Any software used to store, manipulate and output information. Covers: Database software Databases created using spreadsheet software Stores of music, sounds, photographs.
Updating, deleting and searching records Update – change the data to bring up-to-date. Delete – remove data no longer needed. Search – look for specific records that match certain criteria (e.g., list the names of all students in Year 11).
Search criteria using operators Operators are used to construct search criteria and include: = equals > greater than < less than <> not equal to >= greater than or equal to <= less than or equal to
Examples of operators being used = Patel (in a surname field finds data for people with surname Patel). = 20 (in a quantity field finds data for all occurrences where the quantity is 20). >01/02/10 (in a date field finds the data for all the dates after (but not including) 01/02/10). <>0 (in a quantity field finds the data where the quantity does not equal zero).
Joining operators Operators can be joined by AND or OR Size = XL AND Type = Shirt The above will find all the extra large shirt details Pet = Dog OR Pet = Cat The above will find details for dogs or cats
What do these searches do? Pupil ID Surname Age Free meals Form 11901 Duggan 15 N 11G 11809 Hughes Y 11T 11900 Lee 11907 Liu 11877 Khan 16 11M Pupil ID = 11809 Age >15 Free meals = Y AND Age <16 Form = 11T OR Free meals = Y Surname = Lee
Answers Displays one record for pupil with pupil ID 11809 (i.e., pupil with surname Hughes). Displays all the details of pupils whose age is over 15 (i.e., the details of all 16-year-old pupils in this set of data). Displays data of all who have free meals and are under 16. Displays data for pupils who have free meals or who are in Form 11T. Displays the details for pupils with the surname Lee.