Bullying Early form of aggressive violent behavior 160,000 student skip school each day as a result of bullying 6 out of 10 children who bully will have a criminal record by the age of 24 http://archive.kare11.com/news/news_article.aspx?storyid=1043714
Bullying Bullying is a form of youth violence. Attack or intimidation with intent to cause fear Real or perceived imbalance of power between victim & bully A young person can be a bully, victim or both 20% of HS students report being bullied on school property in the past 12 months
BULLYING Bullying can be defined as repeated and systematic harassment and attacks on others. Bullying can be perpetrated by individuals or groups. This can come in the form of physical, verbal, or psychological “abuse”. Bullying takes many forms, and can include many different behaviors, such as: physical violence and attacks verbal taunts/threats, name-calling, put-downs, & intimidation starting rumors & exclusion from the peer group extortion or stealing of money and possessions racially or ethnically-based verbal abuse and gender-based put-downs are also found in the bullying situation. Severe bullying involves physical, verbal, or psychological abuse over an extended period of time.
Dakota County
How prevalent is bullying? Studies in several countries have consistently shown that at least 15% of students in schools are involved. About 9% are victims. About 7% bully others repeatedly. More students in the younger grades are victimized. However, the bullying becomes more severe in the older grades. Boys are more likely to be bullies than girls. With girls it tends to be more isolated.
Bullying Situations A power differential exists between the bully and the victim. Bullies tend to be confident, aggressive, and lack empathy for the victim. Bullies come from homes where there is poor supervision, and modeling of and tolerance for aggressive behavior. Victims tend to be quiet, passive children with few friends. Victims do not respond effectively to aggressive actions. Bullying is often done so that adults are not aware of it. Victims are ashamed, and often don't tell an adult.
FAMILY FACTORS: lack of attention and warmth modeling of aggressive behavior at home poor supervision of the child - physical and/or verbal aggression toward the child by parents, or use of physical and verbal aggression by parents toward each other.
INDIVIDUAL FACTORS: The best-documented individual child factor in bullying is temperament. Children who are active and impulsive in temperament may be more inclined to develop into bullies. With boys, physical strength compared to peers also seems to be a characteristic which is associated with bullying.
POSSIBLE SIGNS OF A BULLY * teases, threatens, hits/kicks others * is hot-tempered, impulsive, uncontrolled *doesn’t have good coping skills * is aggressive toward adults * is tough, shows no sympathy * is involved with crime, etc.
SIGNS OF BEING BULLIED: frightened of walking to/from school doesn't want to go on the school / public bus begs to be driven to school changes their usual routine is unwilling to go to school (school phobic) becomes withdrawn anxious, or lacking in confidence starts stammering attempts or threatens suicide or runs away cries themselves to sleep at night or has nightmares feels ill in the morning begins to do poorly in school work comes home with clothes torn or books damaged has possessions end up "missing" asks for money or starts stealing money (to pay bully) has dinner or other monies continually "lost" has unexplained cuts or bruises comes home starving (money / lunch has been stolen) becomes aggressive, disruptive or unreasonable is bullying other children or siblings stops eating is frightened to say what's wrong gives improbable excuses for any of the above
Victims of bullying typically are very unhappy children who suffer from fear, anxiety, and low self-esteem as a result of the bullying. They may try to avoid school, and to avoid social interaction, in an effort to escape the bullying. Some victims of bullying are so distressed that they complete or attempt suicide.
Bullying Prevention Improve Supervision of students Using school rules & provide consequences Having whole school anti-bullying policy Promoting cooperation among all Ultimate goal is to prevent bullying before it starts
Megan Meier Trial Megan Meier Justice for Megan Meier Lori Drew’s Version
Assignment List three examples of bullying you have seen on school grounds this year. Brainstorm and list three list ways to get students to cross cliques(step out of their comfort zone.) Brainstorm and list three ways to prevent bullying in your school.
Safety & Bullying Assignment List 3 things that the clip mentions(what you learned.) 1 2 3 What are three ways you could use this information? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o7kOrW0l3Hk http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gtkHsARkHbg http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PBymTVjBYHg