Examples: chop, chin, such, chat, ranch Mrs. Brown’s Rockin’ News! August 22, 2016 Weekly Vocabulary Words These words are practiced all week and part of our weekly reading test. apart- you stay away from other people crept- you moved slowly and quietly so no one would notice proud- you feel happy to have done something well sneaked- he or she moved in a way so they no one else would see snout- a nose worried- you think something bad may happen What we are learning! Read Aloud The students are finishing our read aloud of The Wizard of Oz and beginning different versions of fairy tales. Reading Students will be in differentiated guided reading groups at their instructional level. iRead is now working during our small group time. Word Work This week our pattern is the /ch/ sound. We will work on the pattern all week. Your homework will have 5 of the ten words and the other 5 will be from the same pattern. Partial credit will be given for parts of words. Word work grades will fall under grammar on report cards. Examples: chop, chin, such, chat, ranch Grammar Writing complete sentences and word order in a sentence. Math 99 charts to count forward and backwards, counting by 2, 5, 10, composing numbers using 10 frames, tally marks , place value Social Studies Folk Tales Specials Schedule Monday: Computer Lab Tuesday: Art Wednesday: PE- wear gym shoes Thursday: Music Friday: PE- wear gym shoes Mrs. Amy Brown abrown@effingham.k12.ga.us Phone 912-754-3326
Students must be in the building by 8:10 or they are counted as tardy. Reading Logs Starting today, August 22nd we will be asking parents to keep a reading log of the books your child reads at home. For the remainder of the first nine weeks our goal is for students to read at least 20 books. If this reading log is completely filled by the end of the nine weeks (Oct. 6) your child will receive a charm for their necklace from our media specialist. We suggest that this reading log stays in your child’s red folder so it will not get lost. These reading logs will not be accepted after Oct. 6th. If you need to change your child’s regular transportation, please send a note that morning. If you must call the school, please do so by 2:00 with the change. Sending a note that morning in the red folder is the best way to change transportation. Thanks! Calendar September 2nd- PBIS reward September 5th —Labor Day, No School September 8th —Progress Reports September 15th- Fall Pictures Ice Cream First Graders are allowed to buy ice cream for $1 on Wednesday. BELL TIMES Students must be in the building by 8:10 or they are counted as tardy. Dismissal time is 3:10 PBIS Expectations Be Ready Be Respectful Be Responsible Remember that students must earn at least 50 positive points and no more than 15 negative points along with 9 office referrals for the month to attend the monthly celebration. Class Dojo Remember to check your child’s Class Dojo points online. You can still sign up to keep up with your child’s Class Dojo. Please let me know if you need a new information sheet. Please fill this section out, cut out, and return to school. Your child will be entered into a weekly drawing to win a prize from the school. ________ I have read Mrs. Brown’s weekly newsletter. Print Parent Name ___________________________________________ Parent Signature PTO now has email! sesbulldogspto@gmail.com PTO will be monitoring this email for parent questions/concerns