The Atlantic Slave Trade August 22nd
Bellwork How many Africans were taken as slaves to the Americas? Why do you think Europeans used Africans as slaves in the Americas?
Standards SS.8.A.2.7 Describe the contributions of key groups (Africans, Native Americans, women, and children) to the society and culture of colonial America. I will be able to understand the scope of the slave trade. Why did Europeans use Africans as slaves?
Need for a new labor force When Europeans first arrived in the Americas and began setting up plantations and mines, they needed a source of labor. They began using the Native Americans.
The need for a new labor source However the Native Americans quickly began dying off from European diseases because they had no natural immunity (resistance) to smallpox, measles, or typhus. Native Americans died by the millions from diseases, war, and poor treatment by Europeans.
The need for a new labor source English colonists in North America established tobacco plantations Due to a lack of Native Americans that they could use as laborers, the English turned to enslaved Africans for their labor needs
The slave trade Europeans took captives from all over Africa. Many came from the interior of Africa. Slaves were forced to wear chains, had to walk to the coast, and were then put on boats. The Middle Passage was the voyage across the Atlantic Ocean that enslaved Africans were forced to endure.
The Slave Trade They were forced into small spaced below deck. Many died from diseases, malnutrition, or took their own lives
Get your textbooks Turn to page 59 As a class we will go over the vocabulary Read the passage King Afonso to King Joao and answer the questions on your handout Keep this handout. Put it in your Binder. This will be the first handout I will look for on the notebook check
African Diaspora African Diaspora is a scattering of African people around the world Most Africans were taken to colonies in South America and the Caribbean where they worked on sugar plantations and mines. About 600,000 slaves were taken to England’s colonies in North America (original thirteen colonies)
African Diaspora Slaves were given few rights and many were treated terribly. Some were treated kindly but most suffered whippings, brandings, and torture
Slave Culture in the Americas Slaves in the Americas spoke different languages and came from different cultural backgrounds. However, they did have a lot in common, so they used that to build a new African American culture
Slave Culture in the Americas Families were a vital part of slave culture. They were used a refuge but families were often broken apart Religion was a second refuge. They were typically Christian with a mixture of African religions
Slave Culture in the Americas Religion gave them hope and allowed them to express themselves. They used spirituals, songs, and folktales to express themselves and raise their spirits Slaves also expressed themselves through art and dance which were influenced by African traditions
Check for Understanding What was the African Diaspora? Name two things that were important to slave culture in the Americas? Why did Europeans use Africans as slave?