Execution Discipline IV: Work The Plan November 18, 2011
Our webinar will begin in a few minutes. “Figuring out the right things to do isn’t nearly as difficult as continuing to do them over the long term.” Our webinar will begin in a few minutes.
Execution Discipline IV: Work The Plan November 18, 2011
Our webinar will begin in a few minutes. “Remember: The problem for most of us isn’t knowing what to do… it’s doing it.” Our webinar will begin in a few minutes.
Execution Discipline IV: Work The Plan November 18, 2011
Our webinar will begin in a few minutes. “The greatest attribute for any business leader is perseverance.” Our webinar will begin in a few minutes.
Execution Discipline IV: Work The Plan November 18, 2011
Our webinar will begin in a few minutes. “All organizations are perfectly designed to get the results they are now getting. If we want different results, we must change the way we do things.” Tom Northup Our webinar will begin in a few minutes.
Execution Discipline IV: Work The Plan November 18, 2011
Our webinar will begin in a few minutes. “It’s useful to think of excellence in two broad categories: Customer excellence and business excellence.” Our webinar will begin in a few minutes.
Execution Discipline IV: Work The Plan November 18, 2011
Our webinar will begin in a few minutes. “Satisfied customers drive business success – and business success enables investment to satisfy customers.” Our webinar will begin in a few minutes.
Execution Discipline IV: Work The Plan November 18, 2011
Our webinar will begin in a few minutes. “Excellence is not a destination; it is a continuous journey that never ends.” Brian Tracy Our webinar will begin in a few minutes.
Execution Discipline IV: Work The Plan November 18, 2011
Our webinar will begin in a few minutes. “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit.” Aristotle Our webinar will begin in a few minutes.
Execution Discipline IV: Work The Plan November 18, 2011
Our webinar will begin in a few minutes. “People go in the direction leadership is walking, not pointing.” Our webinar will begin in a few minutes.
Execution Discipline IV: Work The Plan November 18, 2011
Our webinar will begin in a few minutes. “Every job is a self-portrait of the person who does it. Autograph your work with excellence. “ Unknown Our webinar will begin in a few minutes.
Execution Discipline IV: Work The Plan November 18, 2011
Our webinar will begin in a few minutes. “Excellence is doing ordinary things extraordinarily well." John W. Gardner Our webinar will begin in a few minutes.
Execution Discipline IV: Work The Plan November 18, 2011
Our webinar will begin in a few minutes. “Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishments.” Jim Rohn Our webinar will begin in a few minutes.
Execution Discipline IV: Work The Plan November 18, 2011
Our webinar will begin in a few minutes. "Execution is the ability to mesh strategy with reality, align people with goals, and achieve the promised results.“ Larry Bossidy Our webinar will begin in a few minutes.
Execution Discipline IV: Work The Plan November 18, 2011
Our webinar will begin in a few minutes. “The strategic agenda demands discipline and continuity; its enemies are distraction and compromise.” Michael E. Porter Our webinar will begin in a few minutes.
Execution Discipline IV: Work The Plan November 18, 2011
Our webinar will begin in a few minutes. “One of the major barriers to achieving lasting excellence is how little formal effort organizations put into learning how to execute strategy.” Our webinar will begin in a few minutes.
Execution Discipline IV: Work The Plan REMINDER: START RECORDING STARTING SLIDE Hello and welcome to today’s webinar, entitled Execution, Discipline IV – Work The Plan. Today we’ll be discussing the 4th of the 6 disciplines in the Six Disciplines methodology. November 18, 2011
Your Presenter Matt Lauth Managing Partner Strategy Execution Advisors Certified Business Coach My name is Matt Lauth. I am the managing partner at Strategy Execution Advisors and I’ll be hosting today’s webinar. Today’s webinar is being recorded and the presentation will be made available at the end of the webinar on our website. To minimize background noise all phones have been placed on mute. Throughout the next hour, if you have a question or comment please submit it through the “Question” pane of the GotoWebinar application that is along the right side of your screen.
One of my favorite images is this picture of the farmer One of my favorite images is this picture of the farmer. It summarizes perfectly our discussion today about Execution. Strategy is great, planning is necessary, alignment is needed, but in the end it’s getting it done. © 2004-2007 Six Disciplines, LLC All Rights Reserved.
Discipline IV: Work The Plan Planning is great, but growth, success and results come from execution. Discipline IV - Work the Plan is all about execution -- getting it done. During this webinar we'll review each step of Discipline IV and show you how to apply it to your organization. In this webinar you'll learn: 1. What does "work the plan" mean? 2. How to define individual plans. 3. Importance of regular meeting to review progress. 4. Discipline of self-leadership to prioritize daily. 5. Power of empowerment by measuring progress. 6. Importance of quarterly review and feedback. 7. How can I do this in my organization? This is 1 hour of your time that will give you the information needed to connect the activities of your employees to the purpose and goals of the organization. I want to take a moment to review the goals I’ve set for today’s webinar. By the end of our 60 minutes I want you to come away with clear answers to the following: 1. What does "work the plan" mean? 2. How to define individual plans. 3. Importance of regular meeting to review progress. 4. Discipline of self-leadership to prioritize daily. 5. Power of empowerment by measuring progress. 6. Importance of quarterly review and feedback. 7. How can I do this in my organization?
Six Disciplines Process Learn Strategize Measure Plan Let’s quickly review the 6 disciplines within the Six Disciplines Methodology The Six Disciplines are: Decide What’s Important - Strategy Set Goals that Lead - Planning Work The Plan – Organizing and Aligning Work the plan - Execution Innovate Purposefully – Measure Results and innovate to improve results Step back from the working “in” the business to working “on” the business. - Learning Manage Organize © 2004-2007 Six Disciplines, LLC All Rights Reserved.
Six Disciplines Methodology A. Renew Mission B. Renew Values C. Renew Strategic Position D. Renew Vision E. Define VFOs F. Agree What to Stop A. Define Measures B. Define Targets C. Define Initiatives D. Engage the Team A. Identify Misalignments B. Align Processes C. Align Policies D. Align Measures E. Align Technology F. Align People A. Define IPs Quarterly B. Review IPs Weekly C. Rate IPs Quarterly D. Prioritize Daily E. Monitor Measures A. Brainstorm B. 100-Point Exercise C. Quick-ROI Analysis D. 5-Step Problem Solving E. Champion Your Ideas F. Recognize Contribution A. Review Externals B. Review Internals C. Recap SWOT D. Review Individuals ANNUAL (4-8 hrs., 6 weeks before year end) (4-8 hrs., 5 weeks before year end) ON-GOING (4-8 hrs., 7 weeks before year end) QUARTERLY & WEEKLY (4-8 hrs., 4 weeks before year end) The Six Disciplines methodology is built around 6 key disciplines that include 31 specific steps.
Strategy – Decide What’s Important ANNUAL (4-8 hrs., 6 weeks before year end) (4-8 hrs., 5 weeks before year end) ON-GOING (4-8 hrs., 7 weeks before year end) QUARTERLY & WEEKLY (4-8 hrs., 4 weeks before year end) A. Define Measures B. Define Targets C. Define Initiatives D. Engage the Team A. Identify Misalignments B. Align Processes C. Align Policies D. Align Measures E. Align Technology F. Align People A. Define IPs Quarterly B. Review IPs Weekly C. Rate IPs Quarterly D. Prioritize Daily E. Monitor Measures A. Brainstorm B. 100-Point Exercise C. Quick-ROI Analysis D. 5-Step Problem Solving E. Champion Your Ideas F. Recognize Contribution A. Review Externals B. Review Internals C. Recap SWOT D. Review Individuals A. Mission B. Values C. Strategic Position D. Vision - Where E. Define VFOs - What F. Agree What to Stop ANNUAL (4-8 hrs., 6 weeks before year end) In our past webinars we reviewed discipline I – Decide What’s Important. This first discipline focuses on Strategy.
Planning - Set Goals That Lead ANNUAL (4-8 hrs., 6 weeks before year end) (4-8 hrs., 5 weeks before year end) ON-GOING (4-8 hrs., 7 weeks before year end) QUARTERLY & WEEKLY (4-8 hrs., 4 weeks before year end) A. Identify Misalignments B. Align Processes C. Align Policies D. Align Measures E. Align Technology F. Align People A. Define IPs Quarterly B. Review IPs Weekly C. Rate IPs Quarterly D. Prioritize Daily E. Monitor Measures A. Brainstorm B. 100-Point Exercise C. Quick-ROI Analysis D. 5-Step Problem Solving E. Champion Your Ideas F. Recognize Contribution A. Review Externals B. Review Internals C. Recap SWOT D. Review Individuals A. Mission B. Values C. Strategic Position D. Vision E. Define VFOs F. Agree What to Stop A. Define Measures B. Define Targets C. Define Initiatives D. Engage the Team A. Define Measures - What B. Define Targets - What C. Define Initiatives - How D. Engage the Team Discipline II – Set Goals that Lead is about Planning. ANNUAL (4-8 hrs., 5 weeks before year end)
Organizing – Align Systems ANNUAL (4-8 hrs., 6 weeks before year end) (4-8 hrs., 5 weeks before year end) ON-GOING (4-8 hrs., 7 weeks before year end) QUARTERLY & WEEKLY (4-8 hrs., 4 weeks before year end) A. Identify Misalignments B. Align Processes C. Align Policies D. Align Measures E. Align Technology F. Align People A. Define IPs Quarterly B. Review IPs Weekly C. Rate IPs Quarterly D. Prioritize Daily E. Monitor Measures A. Brainstorm B. 100-Point Exercise C. Quick-ROI Analysis D. 5-Step Problem Solving E. Champion Your Ideas F. Recognize Contribution A. Review Externals B. Review Internals C. Recap SWOT D. Review Individuals A. Mission B. Values C. Strategic Position D. Vision E. Define VFOs F. Agree What to Stop A. Define Measures B. Define Targets C. Define Initiatives D. Engage the Team A. Identify Misalignments B. Align Processes C. Align Policies D. Align Measures E. Align Technology F. Align People ANNUAL (4-8 hrs., 4 weeks before year end) Discipline III is about detailed planning to get alignment and organization around the goals of the organization, both strategic and operational.
Execution – Work The Plan ANNUAL (4-8 hrs., 6 weeks before year end) (4-8 hrs., 5 weeks before year end) ON-GOING (4-8 hrs., 7 weeks before year end) QUARTERLY & WEEKLY (4-8 hrs., 4 weeks before year end) A. Identify Misalignments B. Align Processes C. Align Policies D. Align Measures E. Align Technology F. Align People A. Define IPs Quarterly B. Review IPs Weekly C. Rate IPs Quarterly D. Prioritize Daily E. Monitor Measures A. Brainstorm B. 100-Point Exercise C. Quick-ROI Analysis D. 5-Step Problem Solving E. Champion Your Ideas F. Recognize Contribution A. Review Externals B. Review Internals C. Recap SWOT D. Review Individuals A. Mission B. Values C. Strategic Position D. Vision E. Define VFOs F. Agree What to Stop A. Define Measures B. Define Targets C. Define Initiatives D. Engage the Team A. Define IPs Quarterly - Who B. Review IPs Weekly C. Rate IPs Quarterly D. Prioritize Daily E. Monitor Measures Discipline IV, Work the Plan is about getting things done, or more succinctly stated: Execution. Discipline IV has 5 steps: Define individual plans quarterly Review individual plans weekly Rate individual plans quarterly Prioritize daily Monitor measures QUARTERLY & WEEKLY
Disciplines I and II covered Strategy. Disciplines II and II covered Planning The outcome of discipline III and the activities in discipline IV is about Execution. With deliberate, disciplined focus a culture of accountability can be nurtured where goals are well-thought-out, communicated and agreed upon. By having clear goals it allows the individual to innovate in ways they see best to accomplish the given goal.
Poll Questions To start off, I’d like to get your input on a 6 poll questions related to the topic of alignment…. How would you rate your organizations ability to execute strategy? In your organization what percentage of strategic initiatives get implemented? Over the past few years, how has your organization's ability to execute changed? Does your organizations track it's performance against strategic goals?
What does “Work The Plan mean”? I’m sure most have seen or heard the matrix of Importance and Urgency. This matrix became popular through Stephen Covey’s book “7 Habits of Highly Effective People” Importance is a gauge of how connected the activity is to purpose and goals. Urgency is a statement of timing. Organizations and individuals need to spend time on the Important and preferably in quadrant II where the timing is not urgent. Source: http://lifecoachblog.blogspot.com/2011/02/time-management-or-hour-to-myself.html
Sounds great, but how?
What does “Work The Plan mean”? Plan – descriptive view of a future state and the steps, activities, involved in reaching the future state. Work – investing the time and resources to accomplish the necessary activities to reach the desired outcome. First, let’s talk about the name of Discipline IV – WORK THE PLAN. This name has two very important words: PLAN – which is a statement achieving a future state by having a defined set of activities that must be accomplished to achieve the desired state, or goal. WORK – meaning action needs to be taken in order to change the state to the desired outcome.
“Susan” Let’s look at Susan, every day she receives a variety of input and needs to decide if this is something she should do. The emphasis needs to be placed on the word “should”. Susan needs to have a framework for decision making that is rooted in the mission, values and vision of the organization. It needs to account for the strategic goals of the organization as well as the operational goals for the area of the business she works within. The work done in disciplines I, II, III and IV gives her this framework and allows her to make a well-based decision on “should” and help her stay in quadrants I and II of the importance/urgent matrix. It will allow her to clarify what is important, or something that should be worked on.
Let’s look at the process flow from Discipline III, Align Systems Let’s look at the process flow from Discipline III, Align Systems. And the process flow within Discipline IV, Work the Plan.
Step IV-A – Define IPs Quarterly Create a rhythm to your planning Quarterly is a proven time model Empower employees to plan Develop the competence at all levels of the organization to effectively plan Establish a framework for feedback and learning Mature from activity-driven to measures-driven Foster a culture of accountability Studies show there is a lot of waste within organizations. One of the primary sources of wasted time and effort is at the individual level. The first step of Discipline IV is defining individual plans (or IPs for short).
Step IV-B – Review IPs Weekly Review progress toward goals regularly Provide a formal report on progress; 15/5 Alignment is further refined Communication improves Empowerment increases Identifies barriers to execution Raises shortfalls quicker to allow time to address Allows leaders stop managing and start leading Foundation for leadership training
Step IV-C – Rate IPs Quarterly Provides a milepost for learning Encourages each person to “step back” Performance is rated from a self perspective and leader perspective Fosters further communication, alignment and better goal setting Allows ownership and active management for professional development Foundation for annual performance reviews Provides senior leadership a benchmark on organization capability
Step IV-D – Prioritize Daily Creates a habit of organizing and prioritizing to focus on the important Helps prevent the “tyranny of the urgent” Allows learning to occur to align effort with activity Allows important activities to be placed on your calendar to ensure they get done Prevents over-committing Core competence for leadership is being able to lead self
Step IV-E – Monitor Measures Measures help promote innovation Measurement promotes empowerment Measurement promotes learning Real purpose is to correct the process causing low performance Creates alignment in selecting the right measures Keep the number small. Balanced leading and lagging measures
Execution – Work The Plan ANNUAL (4-8 hrs., 6 weeks before year end) (4-8 hrs., 5 weeks before year end) ON-GOING (4-8 hrs., 7 weeks before year end) QUARTERLY & WEEKLY (4-8 hrs., 4 weeks before year end) A. Identify Misalignments B. Align Processes C. Align Policies D. Align Measures E. Align Technology F. Align People A. Define IPs Quarterly B. Review IPs Weekly C. Rate IPs Quarterly D. Prioritize Daily E. Monitor Measures A. Brainstorm B. 100-Point Exercise C. Quick-ROI Analysis D. 5-Step Problem Solving E. Champion Your Ideas F. Recognize Contribution A. Review Externals B. Review Internals C. Recap SWOT D. Review Individuals A. Mission B. Values C. Strategic Position D. Vision E. Define VFOs F. Agree What to Stop A. Define Measures B. Define Targets C. Define Initiatives D. Engage the Team A. Define IPs Quarterly - Who B. Review IPs Weekly C. Rate IPs Quarterly D. Prioritize Daily E. Monitor Measures Let’s recap and review the 5 steps of Discipline IV, Work the Plan: Discipline IV has 5 steps: Define individual plans quarterly Review individual plans weekly Rate individual plans quarterly Prioritize daily Monitor measures QUARTERLY & WEEKLY
Let’s look at how this all comes to life on a daily basis within the Six Disciplines software. Remember that all the activities we’ve done in Disciplines I (strategy), II (planning), III (aligning) have all been documented in the software. This strategy and operational planning work creates a very nice outcome to occur.
It allows a cascading of the highest level goals of the organization down to the individual. These goals are a combination of the strategic goals of the organization that are designed to “change the business” as well as operational goals which are focused on “running the business”. This cascading and line-of-sight is what allows Susan in our earlier discussion to have the framework to make decisions around the question “Should I?”. This is what Stephen Covey meant by focusing on the important. Let’s see how this plays out in the Six Disciplines software.
First, the plans are accessible directly without Microsoft Outlook First, the plans are accessible directly without Microsoft Outlook. This saves learning a new application. It provides access to the Strategic view of the organization, which is usually presented in a balanced scorecard fashion focused on the four core areas of the business:
The strategy is organized around the: Financial Goals Customer Goals Internal Business Processes Learning & Growth, or People area of the business.
This is the primary view that allows senior leaders to know what “should” means.
Next is the operational view…this would include the “run the business” activities within each business unit, division, department and team within the organization. This is the view that operational leaders would use heavily to know what “should” means.
The People area allows the whole organization to be easily accessed as simply as navigating the org chart. Click on a manager to see his or her plan. Expand the manager name to see their direct reports. Click on any name, anywhere in the tree to see what they are working on and trace it back to the higher level strategic and operational plans the activity supports.
Each person now as their own personal plan area to manage: Their goals: ongoing, onetime, administrative and personal. Action items they are working on to support various goals. Time tracking to help the individual measure and learn from where they are investing their time. Attachments which are applicable to the individual, like resume, job description, behavior assessments, profile reports, performance reviews, etc. And their rating, the summary “grade” they give themselves at the end of each quarter.
For more information and to register, visit: Upcoming Webinars October 21th: Excellence in Annual Planning October 28th: Discipline I – Decide What’s Important November 3rd: Discipline II – Set Goals That Lead November 18th: Discipline III – Work The Plan November 18th: Discipline IV – Work the Plan November 30th: Discipline V – Innovate Purposefully December 6th: Discipline VI – Step Back Our upcoming webinars cover the remaining disciplines in greater detail. Here’s a list of the upcoming webinars. You can visit our website to learn more and to register. Past webinars have been recorded and are available on the website at the URL listed. Today’s webinar, along with the PowerPoint presentation slides will be uploaded to our website and will be available by end of day today. For more information and to register, visit: www.StrategyExecutionAdvisors.com/webinars
Learn Strategy Innovate Plan Execute Organize I. DECIDE WHAT’S IMPORTANT VI. STEP BACK Learn Strategy V. INNOVATE PURPOSEFULLY II. SET GOALS THAT LEAD Innovate Plan IV. WORK THE PLAN III. ALIGN SYSTEMS The Six Disciplines process is holistic in that it addresses both strategic as well as operational goals; and also in that it engages all levels of the organization, from senior leadership, to business units, to divisions and departments down to the individual knowledge worker. Execute Organize
Decide to Thrive Improve Your Top Line – better plans lead to better results, our clients see topline improvement of 3-10%, sometimes more. Improve your Bottom Line – better execution and focus on what “should” means to the business generates more profit, our client see profit that outpaces their peers on national benchmark reports. Recognize that Time is Money – the longer you wait the longer it will be before your organizations performance improves. Empower Your Employees – providing a system to connect actions to goals is empowering, it’s foundational to creating better leaders at all levels.
Thank You! Matt Lauth mlauth@sxadvisors.com (419) 348-8046 Thank you for attending today’s webcast. Here’s my contact information, please contact me to discuss how we can help your organization. It’s fitting for any organization, regardless of size or industry. Now let’s answer some questions. REMINDER: STOP RECORDING Survey Questions: 1. How would your rate your overall satisfaction with the webinar? Excellent, Very Good, Good, Fair, Poor Would you recommend this webinar to a colleague? Yes, No What could we do to make webinars like this more effective for you? Essay response What topics would you like to see covered in future webinars? Essay response Matt Lauth mlauth@sxadvisors.com (419) 348-8046