Critical Approaches Formalist Deconstruction Reader-response Archetypal Historical Biographical Marxist New Historicist Psychological (Freudian) Gender
Formalist Form of the literature Meaning derived from that form Why this piece has particular form and function Explication Analysis Author’s purpose is discovered (known to the author)
Deconstruction Deconstructs the literary work Author’s purpose is revealed through his/her sub-conscious Take the work down to its elements
Reader-Response “That’s neat…” What is the ‘meaning’ of work? Not the author’s intent What does it mean to the informed or competent reader? Example: We know that “The Jabberwocky” uses non-sense…
Archetypal Follows a ‘recurring unit’ Hero’s journey Hero vs. Villain Labeling of the characters Patterns Because of these, all readers share an ‘unconscious memory’
Historical Work analyzed by the time period in which it was written Writers are influenced by the current political/social situation – work reflects that situation
Biographical Critiques the work based upon the author’s life How does “Alice in Wonderland” reflect Lewis Carroll’s life? If Carroll __________, then he wrote __________, because of ________.
Marxist Based on Karl Marx’s philosophy Socioeconomic struggle Must actually understand Marx in order to use this critique style
New Historicist History is written by the victors! Criticism is based on the idea that our view of the past is influenced by our view of the present
Freudian Oedipus complex
Gender Also called Feminist, Lesbian, and Gay Criticism Not ‘male-bashing’ Focuses on a type of reader-reaction with respect to Gender Sleeping Beauty…