NSRF and National Development Planning 2007-2013 in Greece Latest Developments on Programming Issues THE IMPLEMENTATION FRAMEWORK April, 2006
Key elements for Implementation Coordination mechanisms: Community principles of assistance (art.8) the coordination between assistance from funds, EARDF,EFF and other instruments. Target: insurance of complementarity between different policies (structural, employment, rural development) NSRF & National plans of rural development shall describe mechanisms of coordination. OP’s shall mention distinction criteria between eligible actions for support under other financial instruments.
Key elements for Implementation Within the Ministry of Economy, set up of a team responsible for: Cooperating with the bodies responsible for the policy formulation & planning. Defining separation criteria for actions eligible for support under several financial instruments (environmental interventions through ERDF, EFF). Proposing necessary measures (institutional or technical) & procedures in order to include in the OP’s actions that are complementary and do not overlap with each other.
CSF Managing Authority Directorate for Coordination & Monitoring CSF / OP Implementation Management and control systems Unit Monitoring and forecasting Unit Monitoring of Sectoral OPs and Community Initiatives Unit Monitoring of Regional OPs Unit Directorate for Strategy, Planning and Evaluation of Development Programmes Strategy and Policies Unit Planning and Evaluation Unit Information and Publicity Unit Support and Technical Assistance Unit
CSF Managing Authority / Responsibilities National negotiator with the EC/ “chef de file” Participation in various Committees (EC, OECD, etc.) Strategic planning and Programming Evaluation, CSF Review, Performance Reserve, Additionality Technical Assistance Management Information System Information – Publicity Guidelines / Instructions to MAs of OPs Monitoring OP implementation / n+2 rule / task forces Cooperation procedure Management and Control Systems Support CSF Monitoring Committee Yearly Report to the Commission Compliance with EU legislation (State Aid rules, environment, equal opportunities, public works)
ROP Managing Authorities Mission and Responsibilities (1) Project selection (Recommendations to the Secretary General of the Regional Authority) Ensure the compatibility of the approved projects in the ROP with national and community law, as well as national and community policies (competition, public contracts, environmental protection, elimination of inequalities and promotion of gender equality) Provide technical support to the final beneficiaries Monitor the progress of implementation of the ROP Collect monitoring data and enter them to the M.I.S. Prepare proposals for ROP review and submit them to the monitoring committee
ROP Managing Authorities Mission and Responsibilities (2) Prepare the annual reports Organize the mid-term evaluation and elaborate proposals for the appropriate actions on the evaluation findings Cooperate with the CSF managing authority, the OP monitoring committee and the Commission and provide them with all information they require Conduct audits , take the necessary action on the basis of the findings, brief the Commission, the payment authority and the financial audit committee of the Ministry of Finance Promote Information and Publicity measures. Monitor final beneficiaries’ compliance with their obligations in respect of publicity and provision of information on the projects Provide secretarial support to the operational programme monitoring committee
Staff: Public Servants and MOU employees ROP Managing Authority – Organisation Chart Secretary General Head of MA Planning and Evaluation Unit Management and Monitoring Unit Control Unit Organization and Support Staff: Public Servants and MOU employees
ROP Managing Authority – Responsibilities Planning and Evaluation Unit Management and Monitoring Unit Control Unit Organization and Support ROP - PC drafting and review Yearly and Final Report Selection criteria Evaluation Publicity Monitoring of Indicators Flat files to EC Project selection Monitoring Collect data / MIS entry Final Beneficiaries Management at measure level First level Controls to projects and final beneficiaries (on the spot, preventive) Legislation compliance Evaluate results and take corrective actions Reporting to Paying Authority Implement Technical Assistance projects MIS office Info Desk Manuals Library Personnel, training
Weaknesses at the 2000-2006 framework of implementation Complex system of planning, management and control, issues of cost, effectiveness and efficiency Large number of OP Management Authorities, coordination problems, synergies Cases where 2 or more bodies we competent in the same sector Segmentation in many small projects , difficulties in management and integrated approach Large number of Final Beneficiaries (approx. 7.000), shortcomings in technical capacity for implementation Issues of compliance of legislation, in sectors which are crucial for co-funded projects Inability to define development priorities in regions, inefficient regional and local mechanisms of implementation and management
Key elements for Implementation The NEW management framework: CSF managing authority will become National Authority for Planning & Coordination 5 Managing Authorities for the sectoral programmes 6 Interregional Managing Authorities Single Paying Authority will become Certifying Authority The constitution of an Audit Authority will replace current EDEL 13 Development Regional Agencies will replace current Regional Managing Authorities Current sectoral managing authorities will become intermediate bodies and wil be responsible for the monitoring and evaluation of planning and implementation, supporting of beneficiaries and the closure of the 3rd CSF.
2007-2013 Programming Period – Structure (Operational Programmes & Managing Authorities) Secretariat Operational Programmes Managing Authorities Operational Programmes Funds Secretariat for INFRASTRUCTURE The Secretary is designated by the Ministers of Environment, Physical Planning & Public Works Development Transport & Communications Mercantile Marine and is under the responsibility of the Ministry for the Environment, Physical Planning & Public Works OP Managing Authority Ministry for the Environment, Physical Planning & Public Works 1 1 1 2 OP “Environment & Sustainable Development” ERDF + Cohesion Fund OP “Reinforcement of Accessibility & Services of General Economic Interest” ERDF + Cohesion Fund The OPs “Environment & Sustainable Development” and “Reinforcement of Accessibility & Services of General Economic Interest” may be integrated in one OP “Infrastructure Development & Environmental Protection”. Secretariat for ENTREPRENEURSHIP & COMPETITIVENESS The Secretary is designated by the Minister of Development OP Managing Authority Ministry of Development 2 2 3 OP “Entrepreneurship & Competitiveness” ERDF Secretariat for DIGITAL CONVERGENCE The Secretary is designated by the Minister of Economy & Finance OP Managing Authority Ministry of Economy & Finance 3 3 4 OP “Digital Convergence” ERDF Secretariat for PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION The Secretary is designated by the Minister for the Interior, Public Administration & Decentralisation OP Managing Authority Ministry for the Interior, Public Administration & Decentralisation 4 4 5 OP “Public Administration” ESF Secretariat for HUMAN RESOURCES The Secretary is designated by the Ministers of National Education & Religious Affairs Employment & Social Protection OP Managing Authority Ministry of Employment & Social Protection 5 5 6 OP “Human Resources Development” ESF OP Managing Authority Ministry of Economy & Finance Secretariat General for Investments & Development 6 7 OP “Technical Assistance” ERDF * R.D.A. Eastern Macedonia & Thrace Secretariat for Macedonia - Thrace The Secretary is designated by the Minister of Economy & Finance Regional OP “Macedonia – Thrace” ERDF 6 Regional OP Managing Authority Macedonia - Thrace 7 R.D.A. Central Macedonia 8 R.D.A. Western Macedonia Regional Development Agencies (R.D.A.) scope is: Supporting the Region for development planning, Monitoring and evaluation of planning and implementation Supporting Beneficiaries and Closure of the 3rd CSF. * R.D.A. Epirus Secretariat for Thessaly, Epirus, Central Greece The Secretary is designated by the Minister of Economy & Finance Regional OP “Thessaly, Epirus, Central Greece” ERDF 7 8 Regional OP Managing Authority Thessaly, Epirus, Central Greece R.D.A. Thessaly 9 R.D.A. Central Greece Secretariat for Western Greece, Peloponnese, Ionian Islands The Secretary is designated by the Minister of Economy & Finance R.D.A. Ionian Islands Regional OP “Western Greece, Peloponnese, Ionian Islands” 8 9 Regional OP Managing Authority Western Greece, Peloponnese, Ionian Islands ERDF R.D.A. Western Greece 10 R.D.A. Peloponnese Secretariat for Attica The Secretary is designated by the Minister of Economy & Finance Regional OP “Attica” ERDF 9 10 Regional OP Managing Authority Attica R.D.A. Attica 11 R.D.A. Northern Aegean Secretariat for Crete, Aegean Islands The Secretary is designated by the Minister of Economy & Finance Regional OP “Crete, Aegean Islands” Regional OP Managing Authority Crete, Aegean Islands ERDF 10 11 R.D.A. Southern Aegean 12 R.D.A. Crete Ministry of Economy & Finance, Secretariat General for Investments & Development