At Christmas we think of family… God gives life to us all. Today I want you to come with me to South India. Here you can meet Shanti (not her real name) talking to the to other children from her neighbourhood before they go to school. In their village people are often rude to them because they are very poor and from a different caste. Shanti is telling them to work hard and not worry about what they say.
36.7 million men, women and children are infected with HIV. After school people from the SAND Trust and their teacher help them run a student parliament once a week. Some belong to the Ministry of Education. Some are part of the Ministry of Health and so forth. At the parliament they decide what they want to do.
Winnie runs an HIV AIDS club at her High School in South Sudan to stop HIV spreading. After school people from the SAND Trust and their teacher help them run a student parliament once a week. Some belong to the Ministry of Education. Some are part of the Ministry of Health and so forth. At the parliament they decide what they want to do.
4. 8 million Syrians are sheltering in neighbouring countries 4.8 million Syrians are sheltering in neighbouring countries. Last year 65.3 million people fled from violence, war and persecution. After school people from the SAND Trust and their teacher help them run a student parliament once a week. Some belong to the Ministry of Education. Some are part of the Ministry of Health and so forth. At the parliament they decide what they want to do.
In Jordan and Lebanon, refugees are grateful when families get medical care.
Last year, 98.6 million people were affected by natural disasters. After school people from the SAND Trust and their teacher help them run a student parliament once a week. Some belong to the Ministry of Education. Some are part of the Ministry of Health and so forth. At the parliament they decide what they want to do.
After the earthquake in Nepal, Saru got start up support for a shop. In the school holidays SAND holds a school camp. The children learn the songs and dances of their people. They make up plays and learn about nature. Older students are excited to visit the forest for the first time.
UN Climate Change talks aim to limit the global temperature increase by 2 degrees. After school people from the SAND Trust and their teacher help them run a student parliament once a week. Some belong to the Ministry of Education. Some are part of the Ministry of Health and so forth. At the parliament they decide what they want to do.
In India, Bala and Malar from the Ministry of Health in their School Parliament plant seedlings for the planet. Bala and Malar are from the Ministry of Health. They are teaching their class about healthy living. They organized a Handwashing Day. The Ministry of the Environment organized the school rubbish bins. One is for biodegradable rubbish for compost.
795 million people are hungry every day 795 million people are hungry every day. In Haiti, 59% of people live below the poverty line. After school people from the SAND Trust and their teacher help them run a student parliament once a week. Some belong to the Ministry of Education. Some are part of the Ministry of Health and so forth. At the parliament they decide what they want to do.
For isolated peasant families in Haiti, school is the top priority. .
Working Together we can make a world we can all live in. After school people from the SAND Trust and their teacher help them run a student parliament once a week. Some belong to the Ministry of Education. Some are part of the Ministry of Health and so forth. At the parliament they decide what they want to do.
“The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it.” John 1:5 It is illegal for children to work in India. But they still do. Millions of children work all day sometimes for 12 hours or more. They do not go to school and have no time to play. Some children make bricks or work as servants. Your gift to the Christmas Appeal will help SAND give them hope for a better life. Can you help?
Thank you for supporting the 2016 Christmas Appeal Thank you for supporting the 2016 Christmas Appeal. Let us pray and work for peace. After school people from the SAND Trust and their teacher help them run a student parliament once a week. Some belong to the Ministry of Education. Some are part of the Ministry of Health and so forth. At the parliament they decide what they want to do.