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Presentation transcript:

For more course tutorials visit ENG 225ACADEMIC COACH For more course tutorials visit

ENG 225ACADEMIC COACH ENG 225 Entire Course (Ash Course) For more course tutorials visit   ENG 225 Week 1 DQ 1 An Evolving Industry ENG 225 Week 1 DQ 2 Narrative and Storytelling ENG 225 Week 1 Quiz ENG 225 Week 2 DQ 1 Actors and Acting ENG 225 Week 2 DQ 2 Tools of Cinematography ENG 225 Week 2 Assignment Elements of Design ENG 225 Week 2 Quiz ENG 225 Week 3 DQ 1 Frame by Frame ENG 225 Week 3 DQ 2 Music and Soundscapes ENG 225 Week 3 Assignment Final Film Critique Draft ENG 225 Week 3 Quiz

ENG 225ACADEMIC COACH ENG 225 Week 1 DQ 1 An Evolving Industry (Ash Course) For more course tutorials visit   An Evolving Industry. How are the Internet and other technologies currently affecting the ways in which movies are produced, distributed, and exhibited? Are the changes having an impact on the quality or depth of the films? Provide specific examples as you explain your point of view.

ENG 225ACADEMIC COACH ENG 225 Week 1 DQ 2 Narrative and Storytelling (Ash Course) For more course tutorials visit Narrative and Storytelling. Explain the difference between a film’s story and a film’s plot. Use a specific film to illustrate your point of view. In the film you chose, are the events presented chronologically or are they presented non-linearly? What might a filmmaker’s intentions be when he or she chooses to present events chronologically or in non-linear order? How are elements like character development or foreshadowing used differently between the two storytelling methods?  

ENG 225ACADEMIC COACH ENG 225 Week 1 Quiz (Ash Course) For more course tutorials visit 1.         Question :       What is the most important role of a film critic?  2.        Question :       What is the most likely reason that theatrical movies have survived competition from television and various home video formats?  3.        Question :       In a scene from Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, the title characters are holed up inside a building discussing their plans for future bank robberies while the audience is shown the entire Bolivian army gathering outside to kill them. The filmmakers are making use of what literary element in this scene?

ENG 225ACADEMIC COACH ENG 225 Week 2 Assignment Elements of Design (Ash Course) For more course tutorials visit Elements of Design. During the process of envisioning and designing a film, the director, production designer, and art director (in collaboration with the cinematographer) are concerned with several major spatial and temporal elements. These design elements punctuate and underscore the movement of figures within the frame, including the following: setting, lighting, costuming, makeup, and hairstyles. Choose a scene from In a three to five page paper, (excluding the cover and reference pages) analyze the mise-en-scène.

ENG 225ACADEMIC COACH ENG 225 Week 2 DQ 1 Actors and Acting (Ash Course) For more course tutorials visit   Actors and Acting. The text defines five types of actors: Impersonator, Personality, Star, Wild Card, and Character. Come up with examples of each type of actor (in addition to those identified in the text) and explain in detail why you think they fit each particular category.

ENG 225ACADEMIC COACH ENG 225 Week 2 DQ 2 Tools of Cinematography (Ash Course) For more course tutorials visit   Tools of Cinematography. Choose any film clip from (preferably from a film with which you are familiar). After reviewing your chosen scene, explain how cinematography is used within that scene. How does the cinematography inform the setting? How does it inform the characters? What do the choices made by the cinematographer tell you about the mood at this point within the story?

ENG 225ACADEMIC COACH ENG 225 Week 2 Quiz (Ash Course) For more course tutorials visit   1.         Question :       Which special effects technique is being used in television weather reports in which meteorologists stand in front of moving maps?  2.        Question :       Which of the following is true of the differences between film acting and stage acting?  3.        Question :       What is another name for the cinematographer?  4.        Question :       In the collaboration between actors, directors, and writers, the role of the actor is:  5.        Question :       Which of the following roles required impersonation?  6.        Question :       The “rule of thirds” applies to which dimension of a cinematographer’s work?  7.        Question :       Shooting the same scene from multiple camera viewpoints to provide options for the director is known as what?

ENG 225ACADEMIC COACH ENG 225 Week 3 Assignment Final Film Critique Draft (Ash Course) For more course tutorials visit   Reflective Paper Draft. Review the final Paper instructions in Week 5 of the online course or in the “Components of Course Evaluation” section of this guide. Then, visit the Ashford Writing Center located under the Learning Resources tab on the left navigation tool bar in your online classroom. The outline must contain:

ENG 225ACADEMIC COACH ENG 225 Week 3 DQ 1 Frame by Frame (Ash Course) For more course tutorials visit   Frame by Frame. Choose one of the following video clips for the discussion: Psycho (1960) A Beautiful Mind (2001) Considering one film is from 1960 and the other produced in 2001, there are clearly differences in what the filmmakers were able to do. Describe the style of editing that is used in the film clip you chose. What types of shots are used? What types of visual transitions are used between shots? Does this scene follow continuity editing or does it work in a different style? How does this affect the audience’s understanding of the scene? Be sure to watch the entire scene closely to see the scene as a whole

ENG 225ACADEMIC COACH ENG 225 Week 3 DQ 2 Music and Soundscapes (Ash Course) For more course tutorials visit   Music and Soundscapes. Using the video clips, below, identify and describe the three basic categories of sound in film as described in the text. Which of the three categories is prominent in each of the clips? How does the use of sound inform the mood of the scene? Does it complement or work against the scene?

ENG 225ACADEMIC COACH ENG 225 Week 3 Quiz (Ash Course) For more course tutorials visit   1.         Question :       What is the name of the process used to create everyday sound effects in films?  2.        Question :       What is the correct technical name for the music that plays in the background of a scene while the action takes place?  3.        Question :       According to scholars, what is one way the advent of talking pictures changed the behavior of movie audiences?  4.        Question :       Which of the following tends to be true of silent film acting as opposed to sound film acting?  5.        Question :       Soviet filmmaker Sergei Eisenstein promoted which idea about editing?  6.        Question :       Which of the following is not one of the three basic reasons to use dialogue in movies?  7.        Question :       What is the name for a set of related scenes that follow one another in a film?  8.        Question :       Which of the following is typically true of soundtrack albums?

ENG 225ACADEMIC COACH ENG 225 Week 4 DQ 1 The Cinematic Auteur (Ash Course) For more course tutorials visit   The Cinematic Auteurist. Much in the same way people have favorite authors who create certain expectations from their writing, we have the auteurist theory in film. Explain why the auteurist theory has become so important to film analysis. What are some arguments against auteurist theory? How does auteurist theory affect the way that films are marketed? How does it affect the way that films are analyzed by critics and audiences? Please use an actual film/director/marketing campaign to illustrate your points.

ENG 225ACADEMIC COACH ENG 225 Week 4 DQ 2 Elements of Genre (Ash Course) For more course tutorials visit   Elements of Genre. After watching three of the five movie clips listed in the Multimedia section, above, describe how they fit into a specific genre (or subgenre) as explained in the text. What elements of the film are characteristic of that genre? How does it fulfill the expectations of that genre? How does it play against these expectations?

ENG 225ACADEMIC COACH ENG 225 Week 4 Quiz (Ash Course) For more course tutorials visit   1.         Question :       Which of the following films is an example of the classic “screwball comedy”?  2.        Question :       Which critic is best known for opposing the auteur theory?  3.        Question :       What is a term for cheap, quick westerns that were churned out in large numbers?  4.        Question :       Why was The Birth of a Nation such a controversial film, in spite of its technical brilliance?  5.        Question :       In which auteur’s films are you most likely to encounter gritty, urban subject matter?  6.        Question :       Which of the following is the “outer circle,” or minimal requirement, of Andrew Sarris’s model of the auteur theory?

ENG 225ACADEMIC COACH ENG 225 Week 5 DQ 1 Focus on Society (Ash Course) For more course tutorials visit   Focus on Society. Just as some books are preserved and regarded as having had obvious effects on society (such as Lolita,Lord of the Flies, and Orwell’s Animal Farm and 1984), there have been a number of films that we look back upon which have clearly had cultural resonance, or became part of a social dialogue we’re perhaps still engaged with today (see Figure 9.1 of the text). Our text tells us that “the impact of these movies is mostly unintentional” and that there is debate about whether the movies caused a societal shift, or if a change in the culture caused the movie to be created (see page 262). The text also says that the exact nature of this exchange “is up to you to decide.” For this Discussion, please provide detailed examples of at

ENG 225ACADEMIC COACH ENG 225 Week 5 DQ 2 Criticism and Commentary (Ash Course) For more course tutorials visit   Criticism and Commentary. Reviews for movies are readily available through newspapers, magazines, blogs, and other print sources. provides full reviews for a multitude of movies. Find a review for a film, preferably one that you have seen. According to the distinctions made in Chapter Ten, how is the reviewer approaching the film. To what degree does the review acknowledge the public perception of the film? What evidence does each review provide to illustrate main points and claims?

ENG 225ACADEMIC COACH ENG 225 Week 5 Final Film Critique (Ash Course) For more course tutorials visit   Focus of the Final Film Critique Review the critical analysis questions in the “Conclusion and Critic’s Resource” section of your textbook. Write an eight to ten page film critique (excluding the cover and reference pages) of an American feature film of your choosing. Use the list of critical analysis questions provided in your textbook as a guide while writing your paper. Areas that must be covered: