Religion and Community cohesion Religion and Life - Lesson 2
Title: Women, equal rights and religion L.O: To explore Christian and Muslim attitudes to women in religion. Learning outcomes: To understand Christian and Muslim attitudes to women To be able to give Bible/Qur’anic quotes to support our answers
Key words Look at the key words... Your challenge is to use as many as you can in your work today!
Christianity There are three main Christian attitudes towards the role women should play in religion. Using p.86 of the textbook complete the grid to say what these attitudes are.
Women should have different rights from men. Women should have equal rights in religion. Women should have equal rights but are different from men. Why?
Clip: What is this clip trying to say?
What does this tell us? Debate over women priests continues in East Lancashire LAST month Blackburn Cathedral came under fire for offering a separate supply of “untainted” Communion bread for those who object to it being consecrated by a woman priest. JEMMA HUMPHREYS talks to two women clergy about the problems they face in what many consider to be a man’s role. MORE than 15 years after the first woman priests were confirmed in the Church of England their position in the clergy is still making waves. And according to two female vicars, Blackburn Diocese is one of the areas were the divide beween traditionalists, who want male only priests, and reformers, supporting woman clergy, is most keenly felt. Anne Morris, 48, has been vicar at St Oswald’s Church in Knuzden since 2001 and said she had been met with prejudice because of her position. She said: “There are still male clergy who don’t want to talk to me, and at one time people who wouldn’t take communion from me. I’ve had people leave this church because I’m a woman.” The mother-of-two, who was the previous curate at St John with St Augustine in Accrington, said she had even taken the decision to move the church telephone from the vicarage to the church after receiving abusive phone calls in the middle of the night. “I still get abusive phone calls at all hours, they call you all the names under the sun, about four times a year I get it, but now I just delete the message. But if it comes into your home it’s an invasion.”
Bible quotes Look back at Page 86 What do these quotes mean? What do you think to them?
b) Do you think women should have the same religious rights as men b) Do you think women should have the same religious rights as men? Give two reasons for your point of view. (4) I think ............because........... Also,............because...............
Islam There are two main attitudes to equal rights for women in Islam. Both are based on the idea that all Muslims are equal before Allah so all people are equal. 1. Women are equal but have different roles to play. 2. Women are equal and can have equal religious roles to play to men.
Clip: What is this clip trying to say?
Qur’anic quotes Look at Page 88 What do these quotes mean? What do you think to them?
Challenge: Choose either Christianity or Islam and draw a poster to describe their different attitudes to equal rights for women in religion. Remember to use quotes!
Exam questions a) What is discrimination? (2) Hint: Give the correct definition c) Choose on religion other than Christianity and explain why some of its followers believe in equal religious rights for men and women. (8) Hint: 4 paragraphs! P.E.E each one!!!
Peer assess Have they given 4 paragraphs? Developed each one? And explained the point? How many marks out of 8 does it deserve? Give a positive comment How do they improve? Sign the peer assessment