In groups of 4 answer the following questions Health Millionaire In groups of 4 answer the following questions
Multichoice 1.What percentage of 12-15 year olds used cannabis in the last 12 months? 4% 5.2% 24% 34%
2.What percentage of 12-15 year olds do not drink? 38% 48% 58% 68%
3.What percentage of 12-15 year old drink alcohol at risky to high-risk levels? 6% 16% 26% 36%
4.How many 12-15 year olds have ever used pain killers for non medical use? None 1.7% 2.7% 5.2%
5.How many 12-15 year olds are daily smokers? 2.3% 12% 22% 32%
6.What percentage of 16-17 year olds are daily smokers? 2% 10.9% 22% 31%
7.What percentage of 12-15 year olds have never smoked? 66% 76% 86% 95.7%
8.The chemical present in alcohol is Ethonol Methanol Propanol All of the above
9.Which of the following does not contain a drug? Chocolate ice cream Cola drink Strawberry milk Champange
10.Alcohol can cause people to Feel alert Stay awake Decrease the body temperature Slow down
11.Alcohol affects the central nervous system by Speeding it up Slowing it down No effect Speeds it up then slows it down
12.The time taken for nicotine to react on the brain after smoking a cigarette is? 1 sec 7 sec 10 secs 1 minute
13.Cola drinks are considered to contain a drug because they Are addictive Contain caffine Too many of them can harm your health Contain carbon dioxide
14.Drugs which are depressants make you? Become very depressed Feel confident and strong Feel less coordinated and slower Feel very energetic
15.Which of the following is not a psychoactive drug? Steroids Tobacco Cannabis Alcohol
16.The number of chemicals present in tobacco smoke is about? 40 400 4000 40000
17.Analgesics are a ? Stimulant Depressant Hallucinogen None of the above
Answers 1. B 5.2% 2. D 68% 3. A 6% 4. D 5.2% 5. A 2.3% 6. B 10.9% 7. D 95.7% 8. A Ethanol 9. C strawberry milk 10. D slow down 11. B slowing it down 12. B 7 sec 13. B contain caffeine 14. C feel less coordinated and slower 15. A Steroids 16. C 4000 17. B depressant
True or False 1. Tobacco use by young people between the ages of 12 -20 has decreased in the last 5 years? 2. Psychoactive drugs stimulate not depress the central nervous system? 3. All drugs are capable of producing dependency or addiction? 4. Heavy cannabis use can lower a persons sperm count? 5. Heavy cigarette smoking can affect your sex drive and ability? 6. 30ml of spirits contains less alcohol than 100mls of full strength beer? 7. Cannabis can be detected in the body for up to a month after use? 8. Alcohol is a stimulant?
True or False Answers 1) True 2) True 3) True 4) True 5) True 6) False 7) True 8) False
Score out of 25 Winner: _________________ Second: _________________ Third: ___________________ Forth: ___________________ Fifth: ___________________ Sixth : __________________ Seventh: ________________ Eighth : _________________
Summary Who was surprised with some of the answers? Which ones and why How did your group come up with your answer? Definition of drug? Simulant v depressant v hallucinates
Definition of a Drug A drug is any substance which, when taken into the body, alters its function physically and/or psychologically, excluding food, water and oxygen.
Psychoactive Drugs The drugs effect how people think, feel or behave. They are categorised by how they effect the body Stimulants: speeds up messages to and from the brain, increase heart rate, blood pressure and body temp. examples nicotine, amphetamines, speed and ecstasy
Depressants slows down the messages from the central nervous system to the rest of the body. In small amounts can have calming or relaxing effects, in larger amounts they can cause loss of coordination, unconsciousness, vomiting and death. Examples include alcohol, cannabis, heroin and tranquillisers
Hallucinogens Can affect a person’s perception of what's going on, change the way a person sees and reacts to what going on around them. Examples include LSD, ecstacy, magic mushrooms and cannabis in large doses