ETS eCommerce & eBusiness DRAFT
source: Giga Information Group Definitions “e” Stands for electronic networks and describes the application of network technology to improve and change business processes and to create new value chains “eCommerce” covers the outward-facing processes that involve customers, suppliers and external partners “eBusiness” includes eCommerce and also covers internal processes source: Giga Information Group DRAFT
eStrategy Statement ETS organizations will develop eCommerce and eBusiness capacity by enhancing and extending capabilities we have. To create new opportunities, ETS organizations must understand and seek to use network technology to increase revenue, improve efficiency and retain or attract market share. DRAFT
Adapted from Giga Information Group eCommerce & eBusiness Can Impact Most ETS Processes eCommerce = outward facing processes eBusiness = all business processes HR Workforce mgmt tomorrow New Services Finance Risk mgmt today Customer Loyalty mgmt Transportation yesterday Procurement Envision Marketing Contracts Nominations Capacity & Transportation Sales Market Services Adapted from Giga Information Group DRAFT
Adapted from Giga Information Group ETS Applications In place and In progress eBusiness = all business processes eCommerce = outward facing processes Tomorrow eHRonline Capacity Book Marketing Dashboard Scada Class location Today Pipeline Profile Risk Books Integrated Supplier Yesterday Envision Noms, Conf, Capacity Release Enron Online Class Location Emergency Teams ETS E-commerce Stats Hottap 2000 Annual e Nominations: 1,305,784 Confirmations: 2,891,875 Accounting Invoices & Docs: 100,032 Capacity Release: 1000 bid/offers Informational Postings: fgt: 56,400 visits, 2,520,720 hits nng/tw: 96,000 visits, 2,776,320 hits fgt, nng, tw: 715 unique users with 90,000 hours logged in EOL November 2000: nng: 926,073 MMBtus with revenue of $28,073 tw: 620,000 MMBtus with revenue of $77,872 Adapted from Giga Information Group DRAFT
ETS eCommerce Opportunities Tomorrow’s eCommerce Visually augmented Informational Postings (decision assisting graphs, maps, etc.) Wireless Transactions (e.g., higher bid notification with bid response capability) Off-line Transactions/ Asynchronous Processing (PDA or notebook computer preparation) Vendors Transportation Partners Pervasive Usability (via pervasive XML) Paperless Documents (e.g., FERC filings, electronic contracts) Real-time transaction feedback (e.g., active service request feedback) Shared Functionality (non-proprietary that add customer value) Data Mining (e.g., capacity release, competitor data) Informational Postings (outage schedules, gas quality, tariff, etc.) - Transactions (noms, scheduled quantities, confirmations, invoices, imbalances, etc.) Email/ pager notifications (notices, cuts, etc.) - Real-time display (flow volumes) - Electronic regulatory filings FERC, DOT Customers Today’s eCommerce DRAFT
ETS eBusiness Opportunities E-business strategy Visually augmented internal apps (decision assisting graphs, maps, pipeline profile, etc.) Off-line Transactions/ Asynchronous Processing (PDA or notebook computer preparation) Wireless Transactions (e.g., contract request approvals, field inspections, server reboots) Mobile Workforce Enron Entities Real-time transaction feedback (e.g., EOL deals, pricing) Shared Functionality (Operations to Business to HR to Finance & Accounting Data Mining (e.g., Marketing Dashboard) Pervasive Usability (via pervasive XML) Intranet (Document Imaging, Progress Reporting, …) Business Apps (Marketing, Market Services, Gas Accounting, …) Operations Apps (project tracking, emergency response, procurement, class location, flow volumes) Human Resources Home Office Field Operations DRAFT Today’s e-business
Present information to business and IT groups Next Steps Present information to business and IT groups Create a network of business and IT people to: broaden understanding of eCommerce & eBusiness assess value and impact of eCommerce & eBusiness opportunities identify and prioritize initiatives, emphasis on quick wins set goals for 2001 and beyond Position IT and business resources to execute initiatives DRAFT
Implement electronic contracting Preliminary 2001 Goals Implement electronic contracting Electronic contracting interface with EOL One new customer on EOL per week Develop strategy of placing imbalance trading and capacity release on EOL Implement data mining for capacity, capacity release and pricing Completion of accounting documents on web Assess value of customer dashboard Implement Risk Management System Improve effectiveness and reduce cost of Intranet DRAFT