An Efficient Software Protection Scheme Antonio Maña Ernesto Pimentel Trusted Information: The New Decade Challenge, IFIP TC11 Sixteenth Annual Working Conference on Information Security (IFIP/Sec'01), June 11-13, 2001, Paris, France. Xiaodong yang
Summary _____________________________________ Goal: “make the attack to the scheme difficult enough to discourage dishonest users” The scheme base on the hardware token (smart card) How is it work & what’s the problems? Interoperability, Capacity, Distribution, Delay
Easy to understand Completely explained Related works Appreciation comment _____________________________________ Easy to understand Completely explained Related works
Criticism comment _____________________________________ I don’t like using license to authenticate the code in scheme two Attacks: P6-Only one possible attack, but the author describe 2 attacks in the first scheme, 2 attacks in the second scheme.
Criticism comment con. _____________________________________ Why is it an “efficient” software protection scheme? Reference: [LMP00] … use Spanish, [LMP00] will give us some important information about the balance between security and efficiency but …
Comparison _____________________________________
Comparison _____________________________________
Question _____________________________________ Can we use other techniques (such as tamperproofing, watermarking) to authenticate the code rather than use license in the second scheme?
END _____________________________________