Cedars Academy Trust AGM Head Teacher Report 18th March 2016 Cedars Academy Trust
SCHOOL POPULATION Cedars Academy Trust We have a growing number of students on roll (currently 137) including an expanding 6th Form that we accommodate off-site (new site at Walker Terrace to potentially move into in May 2016), and a recent conditions survey that identified significant areas for development, resulting in plans for increased/improved accommodation via CIF application December 2015; the result of which will be announced in April 2016 September 2016: school population predictions: Current prediction 132 to be on roll – invariably additional students will be added to roll before Sept. KS1&2: 38; KS3&4: 77; KS5: 17 Possibility of an additional class in KS3&4 (to make 5 classes KS1&2 and 8 classes KS3&4; accommodation issues to be resolved) Looking to add more TA’s to aid growing number of students (appointments this week – 7 additional TA’s) Expected growth in 6th Form from September 2016 – 17; 2017 – 29; 2018 - 34 students Cedars Academy Trust
LEARNING NEEDS Cedars Academy Trust The majority of pupils have a moderate learning difficulty combined with specific communication difficulties, and many of our pupils have associated difficulties such as Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Dyslexia, or other specific Learning Difficulties A growing number of students, 34%, have a diagnosis of autism as their primary barrier to learning (banding category); this figure has increased by approximately 5% per year over the last four years Primary Need (Banding Allocation) identified as: 11% Sensory, Physical or Medical need 17% Social, Emotional and Mental Health need 10% Communication, Interaction need 34% Autistic Spectrum Condition 28% Cognition & Learning need Cedars Academy Trust
CURRICULUM Cedars Academy Trust The curriculum for Key Stage 1&2 pupils has a strong focus on the promotion of Literacy, Numeracy, Social Communication, Emotional Development and Resilience At Key Stage 3&4, whilst the focus remains on Literacy and Numeracy, students embark on a range of accredited courses that lead to Entry Level Certificate, Functional Skills, GCSE and BTEC in a range of subjects. We also promote Vocational, Independence, Leadership and Life Skills, so that pupils can gain qualifications and become prepared for life after school At Key Stage 5 the curriculum is focused on preparing students for the next transition in their learning career, with independence, economic well-being and employability skills at the core, via three main pathways (R2I, R2E, R2V). Students working at lower levels benefit from 1:1 adult support when necessary, whilst the more able students are encouraged to function with increasing independence, leadership, peer mentoring and peer support, both in and out of the classroom. Nationally recognised accreditation offered to our students includes Entry Level, Level 1&2 Foundation Curriculum, ASDAN packages, GCSE, A level, NOCN Qualification Skills for Employment, Training and Personal Development, communication-led units, Leadership and Duke of Edinburgh accreditation at Bronze, Silver and Gold Levels Cedars Academy Trust
DEVELOPMENT PLAN: Core Aims 2015-2016 Outcomes for Students: Communication, reading, writing, accessibility to print and numeracy across the curriculum will continue to be our whole school development focus We are focussing on the attainment of boys in English through the Reading Intervention programme and by purchasing a new reading scheme with high level of SCI-Fi and interest for our male learners Development of the Reading Intervention role: successful strategies to be established to engage parents and carers in their children’s learning at school and home; to extend the delivery of staff PD, workshops, family project, parents afternoons, tutorials and out-reach to parents and supporting parents Cedars Academy Trust
DEVELOPMENT PLAN: Core Aims 2015-2016 Quality of Teaching & Learning: To embed our whole school drive to develop students’ understanding what, how and why they are learning and the further development of meta-cognition and learning skills To have higher expectations and greater rigour in monitoring and analysis, in order to achieve, share and sustain highly effective practice throughout the school Further opportunities for Peer & Self-Assessment Opportunities for deeper and more reflective curriculum leadership & development through a distributed model and promotion of R&D approaches Development of Cedars Progress Point system to monitor and target progress and researching others methods of tracking Developing successful strategies engage parents and carers, in their children’s learning at school and home; extending the delivery of workshops, family project, parents afternoons, tutorials and out-reach to parents and supporting parents with work that can be done at home. Cedars Academy Trust
DEVELOPMENT PLAN: Core Aims 2015-2016 Improving Access to Learning (Personal Development, Behaviour and Welfare): Development plans: individual intervention strategies: AtL interventions and developments have been very successful; Primary PUPILS may benefit from AtoL organised/delivered by primary staff Behaviour Support Profiles/Measures to be further developed HLTA role & Review (EHCP) Process: development and refinement; x3 Coordinators, KS1&2, KS3&4 and Transitions Coordinator Y11+ Counselling for pupils: Plan to bring in a councillor 2 days a week; focus on building young people’s resilience to cope with emotional challenges of everyday life and to provide support & guidance to staff, parents and carers The role of the Tutor Team (Vertical Tutor Groups proposal) Development of AfA & Early Support Plans; Improved Parent/Family Support: development of the Family Team Improved working relationships with practitioners and partnerships Cedars Academy Trust
DEVELOPMENT PLAN: Core Aims 2015-2016 Effectiveness of Leadership & Management: To build on established distributed leadership team (including the development of School Improvement Teams across entire school staff) for the school to increase it’s capacity and to become more enterprising; all staff are change leaders Clarify with the LA (and other stakeholders) the future provision needs and plan for developments – to include improved facilities and partnership arrangements Building Plans & Development: to achieve and sustain the highest standard of built maintenance, environment and security throughout the school GB to play an increasingly significant part in monitoring the performance and development of all staff To ensure that the business model and partnership development offers support and diversity, attracts more and different funding, improves service delivery, enhances educational opportunities, allows creativity & risk responsibility and allows resources to be distributed equitably Improving Links: key groups and partners to work in a more engaged, aligned and formalised way Cedars Academy Trust
SCHOOL EVALUATION SUMMARY We believe we are ‘highly effective’ in many areas including Outcomes for Pupils, Personal Development, Leadership & Management and ‘Effective’ in Quality of Teaching and Post 16 provision: SITs have been created this term to enhance leadership and development Outcomes for Students are a real strength: accreditation 2016: continues to be a real strength of the school is the range of accreditation. Every course in KS4/KS5 in accredited, 42 courses offered, Entry Level up to A Level (Photography), including leadership and vocational pathways Families, pupils and staff have an overwhelmingly positive and supportive view of school Teaching has improved through clear and focussed T&L driven initiatives; targeted CPD supports and challenges and there is an increasing number of areas of highly effective practice across the school Students achieve well across all key stages and in a wide range of subjects including reading, writing, communication and mathematics On exit students are well prepared for the next stage in education, training or employment Access to learning plays a key role in ensuring that the most complex pupils needs are addressed; strategies and interventions are highly effective in reducing incidents and helping pupils manage their own behaviour The GB and our core partners provide highly effective support in delivering the Academy’s aims, objectives and development plans Cedars Academy Trust
Cedars Academy Trust AGM Head Teacher Report 18th March 2016 Cedars Academy Trust