Beyond the Swell. #GAT4DER
Beyond the Swell An E-learning model for Gifted students. Twitter #GAT4DER Edmodo #GAT4DER Wikispace:http://rbscleadinglearning.wikisp Reflection
Context Engagement of Gifted students in a large comprehensive co-ed high school. ‘This is boring!’, ‘I’m bored!’, ‘What is the point of this?’, ‘Is this being marked?’ ‘I know all this stuff!’ Have we left our gifted students to fend for themselves? Have we held them back because they easily meet the outcomes of the curriculum? Do we need to move them beyond the curriculum to truly meet their needs ? Recognition of teacher/parent to be catalyst in the “Beyond the swell”.
Snapshot Learner moves through the cognitive and Cognitive activities, moderator/catalyst (Gagne focusing on the developing of skills and knowledge based on Revised Blooms Digital taxonomy (Church 1997).
Aspects of the Model Gagne (2003) Differentiated Model of Giftedness and talent. Reflects heavily the phases of Blooms updated digital taxonomy ( Church 1997). The social and cognitive experiences are guided by the moderator who plays a significant part (Salmon 2005) in the creation of new knowledge.
Focus Based on a cycling of Cognitive and Social experiences guide with the online “Moderator” Catalyst. Modification: Modeling by moderator is playing a huge part. A wise person just told me, make learning social, expect students to collaborate and expect them to share, working alone is mid last century. Modification: Guiding student collaboration, giving students confidence to lead learning. Higher order thinking through Revised Digital Blooms taxonomy.
Development & refinement Following is the range of ….developments of ideas & refinements in developing stage. Knew I wanted a cycling of Social and Cognitive elements, however also wanted a process of emersion through phases….(salmon 2003)
Starting point
What is the Learner content? For trial implementation. The elearning model will be established with gifted learners to share their ‘Digital Education Revolution’ anticipation and participation. The learning content will be the implementation of DER from a student perspective.
Leading Learners
Artifacts:Wikispaces team wiki
Reference group The support /reference group is the technology team (lighthouse school team) who range across all KLA’s. This group of teachers are assisting in the collection of data, ie survey of year 9 students and teachers. Personal learning network, twitter community #GAT4DER Uni student and Lecturer
Artifact: Reference Group
Twitter PLN
Blog posts responses
Issues that have been identified One element has arisen: Giving students the confidence/liberties to edit the group wiki is my first hurdle. The students are ‘willing to please’ and hoping that (politeness) will not be the thing that may hold back their own knowledge creation. Another element: Gifted education; cannot predict the responses, letting go of control as moderator/online teacher. Imperative that the role of the moderator is clearly defined.
The continuing----Refinement process…moving beyond the swell…
Implementation Model